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You sat watching the sunset at the Liyue Harbor Wharf, gazing at Guyun Stone Forest in the distance, as the ships and boats that had been outthat day docked in for the evening.

Several fishermen hoarded in their catch of fish.

You smiled sadly to yourself.

You hated that someday you would have to leave.

"Guyun Stone Forest...all those rocks you see there? Those were all once Rex Lapis' mighty spears...cast there during the Archon War. Impressive, I must say.".

You gazed up to see a man wearing a brown formal suit, with brown hair fading into a light orange, and bright, amber eyes.

He glanced down at you from the corner of his eye and smiled.

"What's a girl like you doing out here at this time of the evening?".

He gave a hearty laugh.

"Come, do you need an escort home?".


You walked beside the fine young man, as the night began to settle in.

"So, er, Mr. Zhongli, was it?" You asked, a simple smile on your face.

"Ah yes. People know me as the one who works at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor...and takes care of Liyue Harbor all at the same time...ahaha...".

He looks at you.

"So, what about you, young girl?".

"I'm Y/N L/N...I'm just a regular girl from around here...it was very nice to meet you, Mr. Zhongli...".

"It was a pleasure to meet you too, young Y/N.".

As you walked for a bit more, you stopped abruptly.

"Oh, hehe...this is my house..".

"Oh? Alright then. I'll see you around, Y/N.".

"Bye bye!!".

Zhongli gave you a sincere smile, amber eyes shining, before leaving to head off.

You sighed and knocked at the door twice.

Your mom opened.

"Oh, welcome back, Y/N. Did you have a nice breather like I told you to?".


You sat down as your mom served you a bowl of soup, and set it in front of you.

There was silence between the two of you.

"I'm sorry, Mom..." you said quietly.

"For what, honey?".

"F-For having to die so soon...".

You felt your mother flinch a little bit.

"Y-Y/N...you don't have to be sorry for a thing...oh, darling...".

She gave you a tight hug.

You started crying.

"I'm sorry I have to leave you..all alone...especially with Dad gone...".

Your mother kissed your forehead.

"Your father was a kind man...his death came so suddenly and I...I loved him so much. And I'll miss you the same way, my sweetheart. But remember what the doctor said. It's better to relax and spend as much time with loved ones as possible, right? Let's try to spend as much time as possible together, Y/N....".

You both embraced each other tight.

"I love you, Mom...".

"I love you too...".

Soul Heart - A Zhongli x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now