Had Draco told her what happened between us? No, he wouldn't have. I'm sure she just still hates me after last year.

Finally I spotted Silas. I rushed to his side and he smiled at me, soaking in my appearance. "You look incredible."

"So you do," I answered back, butterflies in my stomach.

He took me by the arm and led me to the dance floor

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He took me by the arm and led me to the dance floor. "Okay, thirty minutes of dancing, then we sneak out the back when the band starts playing. Everyone will be distracted, so it's the perfect time to slip out. Then straight to the mirror."

"You got everything?"

"Yeah. It's all already down there." He took my by the hand and twirled me onto the dance floor. "Now just smile and move your feet." He lifted my hand and I spun below it, then he took the small of my back and lowered me in an arch.

"Wow, Salvatore, I didn't know you were such the dancer." I remarked, a smirked in my face. "Something they teach at Durmstrang?"

He laughed lightly, never breaking away from my eyes. "I grew up dancing, my mother is a ballet teacher. She wanted me to be a Prima Ballerina, much to my fathers contempt, and I've been dancing ever since I could remember. It's not the world for me though. I need something more... real."

"Well, you got your wish. Tonight is going to be as real as it gets," I said. Or more grimaced.

"Everything will work out. We'll get through the mirror, and find Aegon, and take him home."

"I'm surprised you showed your face here Wraith," a familiar snotty voice said from behind me. I turned to see Bella standing with Kali and Poppy. She leaned in towards Silas, making what she called her seduction face. Her words, not mine. "You know Silas, you shouldn't be hanging around Layla Wraith. She tends to hurt the people she's closest to," she broke from his eyes and shot me daggers.

Her words stung but I kept my face cold and stone. "You really need to work on hiding that insecurity of yours Bella, it's showing," he snapped back, harsh but cool.

She made a whatever face and continued on. Kali looked back at me with pitiful eyes.

"I can't believe you used to be friends with her," Silas scoffed.

"She didn't used to be like that," I sighed, trying not to let me past rise up too much. "Let's get drinks. I need drinks. The Weasley twins always spike a punch bowl, I'll go find them and figure out which one it is."

I moved through the crowd of students occupying the transformed great hall and headed for the two tall gingers grinning to each other.

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