Chapter 20: Recon Mission

Start from the beginning

Oliver hit the ground, dropping his map and letting out a groan.

He looked up and saw a familiar Pikachu who was also on the ground, face down.

"Oh Arceus!" He scurried over to Jacob before pushing him out of the way. "The map! I hope it isn't damaged..."

"Thanks for the concern, bud..."

"I knew you were fine." The Oshawott commented, his eyes glued to the map. "You've taken worse than just a fall down a hill."

"Fair point." He shrugged, "So how's your berry situation?"

"It's well." He answered, pointing to his bag that had been dropped near the tree he had been leaning against. The berries had been knocked out of the bag, and some had been squished. "At least it was before you showed up."

"Don't make it sound like I did it on purpose!" He exclaimed, "I'll help you find some more, don't worry."

"Yeah, that's be a great help." Oliver smiled, wrapping his map back up and putting it into it's holder. "But before we get to that, where did you come from and how?"

"Well..." He chuckled nervously, "I had found a really ripe berry, but it was a little high up. Before I got to it, the branch snapped. I was gonna use my power, but it's been malfunctioning lately so I didn't really prepare for my arms to buckle when I tried to land."


"Wait, I didn't tell you yet?" The Pikachu's ears perked.

"This is the first I'm hearing of any malfunctioning." Oliver replied, "Was there any catalyst?"

"Well it started the day we came to the Grotto." Jacob answered, looking down at his paw. "It wouldn't work like it did any other time I used it."

"Hm..." The Oshawott hummed, putting a paw to his chin. "...What would be different between the Forest Grotto and anywhere else we've been?"


"I was thinking Nidoking, but what sense would that make?" Oliver suggested, "It's not like your power would be intimidated by him, it isn't sentient."

"You're right." He nodded in response.

"It might have to do with emotion, maybe?" The Oshawott theorized, "Remember back in Casteel when you battled that girl? It was your will that managed to activate the ability."

"I had thought about that, but it's not like it's been activating normally... Check it." The Pikachu closed his eyes and gritted his teeth together. Faint sparks of electricity began to surround him before his eyes turned an orange color. "There it is! I did it!"

"It's back again?" Oliver tilted his head, "How strange..."

Jacob stood up and suddenly began running over to a tree. "Strike!" When he punched the tree, his paw left a large dent in the tree.

Oliver's eyes widened at the sight.

"That's awesome! It's back!" He chuckled as soon as he opened his eyes, and let out a cheer before a berry hit his head.

"Jacob, punch two more trees with that power."

"Huh?" He looked back at his best friend. "Well okay..."

Once the Pikachu was done with his small tasks, Oliver inspected the size of each dent left in the three trees Jacob had punched. The first was large, the second was small, and the third had been a size in between the latter two.

"Just as I thought..." The Oshawott nodded, putting a paw on his chin. "Your power is fluctuating. That makes a lot of sense, but why?"

"What do you mean it makes a lot of sense?" Jacob asked dramatically. "Give it to me straight, doc!"

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