Chapter 5

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Lumine was wondering around Liyue, and saw a huge orb in the sky.

It looked like a portal.

She tried gliding towards it, but failed. She then saw a huge tree near it.

She can climb the tree to reach the portal!

She slowly climbed the tree. She started trying to reach the portal.

She did it! She reached it.

Suddenly, she started getting sucked in.

A few moments later she found herself in an eerie land. Thunder was everywhere. This place reminded her of apart of inazuma.

She heard faint noises coming from her left, then they suddenly stopped.

She ran to where the noise came from, and saw a goddess, dressed in purple robes, floating around. She then saw Xiao. He was bruised.

Lumine ran to the goddess.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO XIAO?" She shouted at the woman.

She knew that if she concentrated hard enough, she could unleash her full powers.

She'd never tried, but today would be the day.

She concentrated, and thought of Xiao. She thought of the happy memories they shared together.

Suddenly, she felt powerful. She pointed her hand at the  Raiden Shogun, and opened her eyes.

Baal was on the ground, she fainted.

"It worked!"

She forgot about Xiao.

"Xiao!? Can you hear me?"

"Lumine. Thank you." He said, stuttering.

"Will you manage to come back home by yourself?" She asked.

"Yes." He answered, while getting up.

He stood up next to Lumine, but fell on her shoulder.

"I guess not." She said shyly.

"Hold on. Just a few more steps."

"Lumine, no. I'm much heavier than you and your back probably will hurt if you carry me. I'll manage."

He stood up and tried to walk.

She heard quiet groans. They kept getting louder and louder every few minutes. Xiao was barely moving.

"Xiao.. We don't have much time until the Shogun will awaken again."

Xiao suddenly started going much faster. She could see the pain in his eyes. He groaned and collapsed.

"Lumine, run. I won't make it." He whispered.

"Please.. Let me carry you, Xiao.."

"No. That is not an option. You're not getting hurt for me."

"Could you lean on me, then? I won't be carrying you like that."

"Sure." He got up and gently leaned on lumine.

She didn't feel much weight, so she was suspecting he wasn't fully leaning on her. Why was he sacrificing himself for her?

She tried walking with him.

'Poor Xiao. He's injured and he has to walk all the way to this portal.' She thought to herself.

They arrived back to liyue.

"Where should we go, Xiao?"

"Wangshu inn. Its the only place to go, really. "  He answered.

They walked to his small house, Xiao leaning on Lumine's shoulder.

She entered xiaos room, and found the bedroom.

She noticed something she'd never seen before. The bedsheets weren't wrinkled. They looked untouched.

"Xiao? Why don't you sleep? Even if you're an Adeptus, you're just as human as I am. You eat, so why not sleep?" She said, while laying him on the bed.

"I don't need sleep."

"Yes you do. You look extremely tired."

"I need you to take your shirt off so I can treat your wounds."

"Okay." He said, and took his shirt off.

"That's weird. I can't see the scratches anymore."

"Hah! I don't need any healing! I'll be alright" He said, with a chuckle.

"No. You do. Tell me, does it hurt here?" She said, whilst touching his stomach.


"How about here?" She asked, while touching his lower neck.

Xiao growled in pain.

"No. I guess I don't need any healing!"

"Xiao. Why do you lie? Is there a reason?"

"Not at all."

"Do you not trust me? Is there something i can do to gain your trust?"

"My trust..." He thought for a moment. "Nobody has ever gained my trust. They all left me withought saying goodbye. You'd leave me before you'd gain my trust, aswell. But I'll try. "

"Thank you, Xiao. It means a lot to me."

"Fine. It does hurt." He admitted.

"Thank you. Tell me if it still hurts" She said, while pouring some oil on the spot he mentioned.

She touched the wound again.

"No... Thanks."

He smiled.

"Oh wow. Ive never actually seen you smile." She admitted.

"It's getting late now. I'm staying tonight, to make sure you're okay. " She said.

"You don't have to. Im not a baby. Plus you've already healed me, nothing can happen now."

"Oh yeah?" she touched the wound, and xiao flinched.

"How? It started hurting again?" He touched his wound but he didn't feel any pain.

"Fine. You can stay." He finally answered.

Xiao realized how much he loved her, and cared for her. But.. She was a mortal. She would leave him one day, aswell.

"It feels like you're a whole different person now. I'm really glad to have you, Xiao."

She kissed his stomach.

"Heh. If you don't sleep, be prepared to lose your muscles. They rely on your sleep." She said.

Xiao was shocked. Her lips were so soft.

"Anyways, I'll sit on that chair for the night." He said.

"Xiao.. You have to get a good rest. I won't mind sleeping here at all. The bed is pretty big anyways."

She lay down on the left side of the bed, facing the wall. She could feel Xiao's heat as he lay down beside her. She turned to face him.

"How many days have you not been sleeping?" She asked while brushing her hand by his face.

"Probably around three thousand years."

"Just because you're immortal doesn't mean you don't need to sleep."

She put her palm on his chest. She could feel his heart beating.

Xiao knew that he was catching feelings for her. But he didn't know how to show her.. Or tell her.

"I'll try sleeping tonight." He said.

He put his hands around her back, and pulled her close to him. He then hugged her.
Lumine fell asleep in his arms.

"Goodnight." He whispered, and turned the lights off.

*I TOLD U THIS ONE WAS LONGER! I also lost track of what chapter it is now*

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