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Start from the beginning

He put his hands in the pockets of his jacket and shrugged his shoulders again. "I'm used to the room sizes but when we first saw them it blew our minds honestly".

He decided to stay and help you set up some things you'd need for tonight since the team were getting straight into practice so by the time you all get back tonight you'll be way too tired to set anything up.

You stand up and wipe the imaginary sweat off of your forehead. "Thanks for helping! 'Tsumu wanted me to make sure I had all the medical equipment that we were able to bring just in case he grazes his knees or somethin' or other", you rolled your eyes at how your brother could be sometimes but you wouldn't swap him for anyone or anything.

Suna took one of his hands out of his pocket to remove an eyelash from his cheek and he then turned to leave. "No problem but we better get going if we don't wanna miss training...practice matches start tomorrow after all" you nod and quickly follow behind Suna since you had no idea where the gym was.

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The gym was bustling with noises that made tingles go down your spine. From the sound of shoes squeaking against the floor to the sound of volleyballs smashing against the floor being so loud that it creates a sharp pain in your ears. I better adjust quickly otherwise this is gonna suck ass...

"Inarizaki get in line now!" You heard a strong, female voice burst out through the rest of the sounds in the room and boy did it stand out.

Before you could even turn to ask Suna who it was he had already zoomed past you to get in line with the rest of the team, only then did you see a girl with tied back brown hair who was around 5'3" but the aura surrounding her made her seem so much taller. Not that 5'3" is short because it isn't but y'know.

"You over there!" You snapped out of it and saw the girl pointing at you. "You're the new assistant manger yes?"All you could do was nod as you felt your heart start thumping against your chest, why does it feel like I'm in the military, who is this person? You knew she was the manager, you were able to make that assumption but her name was unknown to you. "Okay go get started on water bottles please, we need to make sure they are constantly filled up!" She threw a wink your way as you automatically ran to the crate of bottles and then ran out of the room to find a water pump. She scared me so bloody much that I acted without thinking...I'm gonna be so tired after this...

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You were most certainly right with that one because once you got back into the room you were staying in you collapsed onto your futon. "I'm pooped" you sighed as you pondered when to change into your sleepwear.

"You're telling me" you felt your heart jump out of your chest when you heard a familiar voice from earlier enter the room. "Oh my bad I didn't mean to scare you!" When you looked up you saw that it was the same girl who could get the team into line with the click of her fingers. I might be able to finally find out who she is.

You sat up properly and placed your hands on your legs which were crossed over."without sounding rude can I ask who yer are?" She looked a bit taken aback and then smiled as if she had just realised that you've both been speaking to each other all this time yet don't actually know each other's names.

She rubbed the back of her neck as she walked over and sat in front of you, only to then hold her hand out in front of her so you held out yours in return. She gripped it lightly and shook it a few times. "The name's Yumi, I'm the manger of the team if you didn't know" she rolled her eyes jokingly at this since it was obvious from her behaviour earlier and how she was instructing the team around that she was the manager.

"Wait so you're the manager I've been told about but had no other information on whatsoever!"

She chuckled a bit and then regained her composure. "That's me but did the guys not tell you anything about why I haven't been around?" You shook your head. "I wonder why..."

You moved your legs so that they were folded against your chest and your head could now rest on your knees. "They all treated it like it was a sensitive subject so I didn't press for any questions".

She face palmed when you said this. "They treat me like such a baby sometimes I swear and I'm older than most of them..."

"Wait what year are ya?

"Third year"

This kind of surprised you because you thought she was either a first year like you were or a second year. "Can I ask why yer haven't been around for a while?"

She made eye contact with you and then smiled again. "Of course you can! A few years ago I seriously injured my hip so I had to stop playing football and recently I had a small fall that caused me some serious pain again so I've been resting it...doctors orders unfortunately" she patted her hip gently and I noticed her wince. So she's still in pain even after resting it for ages again...

"Hey" you said this to get her attention and fortunately you did. "I'm assistant manager now so I'll do all I can to lessen yer workload okay?" She smiled at you again and nodded as she got up and walked over to her corner of the room before starting to set up her sleeping arrangements.

"Oh yeah there's something I forgot to ask" Yumi then said as she turns around to face you and by now you were stood up and tying your hair back.

"I'm all ears"

"You never told me who you were so...who are you?"

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𝐇𝐞𝐲, 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝! | 𝙎𝙪𝙣𝙖 𝙭 𝙁𝙚𝙢𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 (𝙊𝘾)Where stories live. Discover now