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It's another beautiful day in Negi Root City. It's currently snowing outside. Gothic woke up and made herself some breakfast before getting her coat on and getting inside her car.

Gothic: I hope Starmine's doing okay. He hasn't talked to me or texted me for a few days.

She drove to Starmine's house just in case. Gothic got out of her car and knocked on Starmine's door. She wasn't getting an answer. She tried again. This time, Starmine answered the door.

Gothic: Hey, Skyler.

Starmine: Hi, Grace.

Gothic: Do you need a ride to school?

Starmine: Sure. I already asked Yuurei if she could babysit Amanda.

Gothic: Good. We're going to be late for school.

Gothic and Starmine walked to Gothic's car. She drove out of the driveway. During the car ride, Starmine's been moaning in pain and holding his tummy.

Gothic: You okay, Starmine?

Starmine: I've been having these stomach pains ever since I woke up this morning.

Gothic: Do you think it might be the baby coming?

Starmine: I doubt it. It's way too early.

Gothic: Well, we have first period together with Deep Sky. If these tummy pains get worse, just tell me or Skylar and I'll ask the teacher to take you to the nurse's office.

Starmine: Okay.

Deep Sky: There she is!

Gothic drove into the school's parking lot and got out. Starmine followed her while holding his stomach.

Delusion Girl Miku: Starmine came with her.

Gothic: Morning, girls.

Noble noticed Starmine in pain.

Noble: You okay, dude?

Gothic: He said he's been having stomach pains since he woke up.

Deep Sky: How painful are they?

Starmine: Not very painful right now. But I have a feeling that they're going to get worse.

Noble: Well, we better get to class before the bell rings.

Gothic, Starmine, and Deep Sky walked into first period together. The teacher didn't notice Starmine acting strange. Gothic and Deep Sky sat next to each other, while Starmine sat behind Gothic's desk.

Teacher: Okay, children. Open your textbooks and go to Chapter 6.

Gothic looked behind her. Starmine was clutching his stomach and had his eyes shut. Gothic wrote a note to him saying "Are you okay?". Starmine opened his eyes and saw the note. He wrote back saying that the pains are getting worse. He passed the note back to her. Gothic's eyes widened. She raised her hand.

Gothic: Excuse me?

Teacher: Yes, Ms. Shapiro?

Gothic: Skyler needs to see the nurse.

Teacher: Fine. You may go.

Deep Sky: Can I help them?

Teacher: That's fine.

Gothic and Deep Sky helped Starmine up on his feet and to the nurse's office.

Nurse: Hello, ladies. And Skyler. What seems to be the problem?

Deep Sky: He's been having severe stomach pains.

Nurse: On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad are they?

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