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When we arrived we got our things there and I checked the new house. It wasn't that bad it was quite nice and I also had a bigger room than before.

 It wasn't that bad it was quite nice and I also had a bigger room than before

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We moved in and I still kept contact with my best friend. We talked daily on the phone.
Soon it was September and I had to get signed in my new college. I grabbed the things I needed and went to college, it was about 10-15 minutes from my house. When I arrived I walked around the school since I had at least 10 minutes before class. Suddenly I bumped into someone and my books which I held in my arms fell. "Oh Im sorry!" The unknown person said and started helping me. "It's okay don't worry!" I told him. "Wait.. Brandi is that you?" He asked me. "What.. How do you- WAIT NOAH??" I said excitedly. I bumped into Noah who was my childhood best friend until he moved out.
*Noah: How are you??
*Brandi: Im good what about you?? Did you move here when you left?
*Noah: Yes! I'm so sorry this happened! Oh gosh I missed you so much
*Brandi: Same!!
*Noah: So are you new here?
*Brandi: Yeah I will explain to you everything..
So turns out me and Noah had the same class for 1st and 2nd period so as we walked to class I started explaining to him why I moved out and how my life went to middle school and high school. He then told me a bit about his life and he suggested we meet up later to talk about everything that has happened to us so I agreed! After school, I contacted my parents about my plans and then I waited for Noah at the front of the school.

--After 5 minutes--

*Noah: Hey! Sorry if Im late
*Brandi: Hi! It's okay don't worry
*Noah: Let's go!
*Brandi: Where are we going?
I asked him as we started walking, he told me that we were going to a cafe that is his personal favourite. We sat there and ordered. While we were waiting for our order, Noah had a confession to make.
*Noah: Hey.. so I need to tell you something
*Brandi: Oh, what is it?
*Noah: Well it's about my sexuality
*Brandi: I'm listening
*Noah: Well, Im bisexual with a preference to girls..
*Brandi: Oh okay! That's cool, I support don't worry!
Noah seemed relieved and then we started talking much more about this topic and he told me how he understood that he was bi. After that he asked me about my sexuality
"Oh me? Well Im straight.." I told him. For some reason he didn't seem to believe me fully but he didn't pressure me. When we stayed there for an hour we decided to walk around the town since Noah offered to give me a tour. After that it was 8:30pm. "It's getting kinda late, I should go home" I told him. He said he would drop me off so he dropped me off my house and before he left he gave me his number so we could text. When I arrived I was greeted by my parents and went upstairs to my room. I added Noah's number and we chatted.
!Noah: <By the way I don't live that far from your house, so we can go together to school if you would like to>
!Brandi: <Oh! Sure, why not>
After some time it was 11pm and I decided to go to sleep. 

--In the morning--

I woke up at 6am and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I used to wake up much earlier before school too so I can have more time to prepare myself. After taking a shower, I went to put some clothes. I put a white skirt with a black t-shirt, I also wore some white sneakers with white high knees socks. I liked my outfit. I put my hair up in a ponytail and went downstairs to eat some breakfast. It was 7:30, me and Noah decided to leave for school at 7:45 since school started at 8:15. School was 10 minutes away from our houses. Soon someone had rang the bell, it was Noah. I got my backup ready and went outside.
*Noah: Good morning!
*Brandi: Good morning.
We started chatting about different topics while walking to school. When we arrived a girl with marron medium length hair stared at me kind of angrily, I don't know what she was mad about. Noah told me goodbye and I went inside the school. I was heading to my locker to put some books inside and get the ones I need for the 1st Period. Me and Noah were in the same biology,maths and english class so we would meet each other kind of often. Today's program had biology on 5th period. While I was walking down the hallway and looking around the school to get used to the surroundings a girl who was running bumped to me. She had black long hair and green eyes. We soon fell on the floor and the whole school stared at us.
*???: Omg, Im so sorry!!
*Brandi: It's okay don't worry!
I said in an embarrassed tone
She helped me pick up my books and told me that she needed to go quickly. I went to my class quickly and sat in my seat. Soon, it was lunch time and I decided to sit alone by myself. The same girl saw me and came up to me, she apologized again and introduced herself. "Im Stacy! Sorry again for before I was in a hurry.." The girl said. She asked me if she could sit with me and I said yes. We started getting to know each other and discovered that we are in the same science and technology class. Me and Stacy became friends and started talking much more. We exchanged numbers. When school ended I waited for Noah at the front of the school so we could go back home together. He came with the girl I saw in the morning that seemed to didn't like me. Noah said goodbye to her and came to me.
*Noah: Hey! I see you met Stacy.
*Brandi: Yeah she bumped into me and the whole school stared at us..
*Noah: Haha, Stacy is clumsy so be ready for these kind of incidents.
*Brandi: How do you know each other?
*Noah: Oh well she is my gf's childhood friend, they are good friends but don't speak as much as they used to.
*Brandi: Oh? You have a girlfriend?
*Noah: Yeah! It's the girl you saw me approach in the morning!
*Brandi: Well.. She didn't seem to like me..
*Noah: Oh that was a misunderstanding, she thought that you were trying to steal me from her.. heh.. she's kind of the jealous type
*Brandi: Oh.. tell her that she doesn't have to worry
*Noah: I already did and I explained to her that we are childhood besties!
*Brandi: Well Im glad and I hope there won't be another misunderstanding. Noah smiled at me and suggested he introduced his friendgroup to me, so we decided that tomorrow at lunch time I will go and sit with them and introduce myself. Noah dropped me of at my house, I said goodbye to him and went inside. I changed my clothes prepared my homework, ate some lunch and scrolled through social media on my phone before starting doing homework. I decided to text my best friend, Christine. When I went in our conversation I saw that she had already texted me. !Christine: <Hey, how are you? Is everything okay there?>
!Christine: <How's school? Are you having fun? Everything okay?>
!Christine: <Answer me when you can it's okay>
!Brandi: <Hey I came from school a bit earlier, sorry for not answering! Everything is okay, guess who I found at my new school>
!Christine: <Hey! I'm glad everything is okay, who did you find??>
!Brandi: <My childhood best friend Noah!>
Me and Christine texted for almost an hour and then I told her that I had to go to do some homework. I also assured her that I will text her at night if I had time. I started doing my homework, time passed and it was 9pm, I had already eaten dinner. I talked a bit with Noah and then I went to sleep. Tomorrow morning I got ready for school and waited for Noah to come pick me up, when we arrived I saw the same girl who had looked me angrily the last time. Noah went to her and talked to her, then she smiled at me and waved at me, I waved back and went inside to find Stacy. When I had finally found her we went to science class together. She asked me if I would like to have lunch with her and I told her that I can't today because Im meeting up with some other people, she shrug it off and said it's okay. Soon lunch time came by and I was kinda anxious. "What if they don't like me?" I thought. Noah accompanied me to the cafeteria, we started walking towards the people where I saw 4 people sitting talking and laughing with each other. As we approached everyone got kind of quiet. Noah waved at them and introduced me to them. "Guys this is Brandi she is my childhood best friend!" Noah said. Everyone started introducing themselves one by one.
Boy 1: "Heyy, Im Minghao but you can call me Hao nice to meet you!"
Boy 2: "Hey, Im Keeho nice to meet you bestie"
Girl 1: "Hi Im Jiwoo nice to meet you i guess"
Girl 2: "Uh, hi.. Im Olivia nice to meet you"
Olivia seemed familiar to me, and then I remembered she was the one who was looking me with a bad look when me and Noah were walking to school. Noah told me some stuff about each person and then he mentioned that Olivia was his girlfriend so I asked them how long they had been together. "Almost 2 years!" Olivia said with a smile on her face. Everyone was nice to me and they wanted to know what was my username on kakao talk so we could talk there, so I gave it to them and they soon added me to their group chat. After that school ended smoothly I went home with Noah and we had a talk and he told me some stuff about his friendgroup. When I went home I did my usual routine and started studying. After I was done I texted my best friend Christine and asked her how was school and stuff like that. We talked for like 2 hours but then I told her that I needed to sleep. I fell asleep as soon as I layed in bed.

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