Sixth Year: Chapter Twenty Seven

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You only got halfway through the first story when someone called your name. Harry pointed to his book instructions when you came over. He and Hermione had been arguing. You peered down to see that there were annotations all over the book, replacing ingredients and changing instructions. Hermione was insisting that Harry should follow the real instructions that said to cut the sopophorous bean instead of crushing it like his book said.

"Can I look at this?" you asked. You quickly scanned through the instructions. "Nothing is going to make the potion blow up in your face. If you want to follow these instructions, go ahead."

"(Y/N)," Hermione gasped.

"'Mione, I made a modified wolfsbane potion because a penpal told me they grew aloe with similar properties. Not following potion instructions is going to be encouraged by me to a certain extent. Nothing here will kill him. At worst, Harry's going to fail. It's fine."

Hermione still seemed against it but let it happen. You stayed at the table because you were curious. The potion was practically in overdrive. Every modified instruction that Harry followed was cutting down on the potion's brew time but still making a correct Draught of Living Death. Harry finished his potion faster than anyone else, correctly as well. You stared in amazement at the textbook while Slughorn granted Harry his prize of felix felicis.

It went like that for a while. Every potion that had modified instructions, Harry did. Every potion turned out correct. Slughorn became almost hyper-focused on Harry when he wasn't focused on you. Despite offering to share with Ron and Hermione, they refused to look at the book. You were the only one interested. You were sitting in Harry's lap in the Gryffindor common room, copying down the notes from his book while he did the Alchemy homework you had assigned the sixth years.

"This is so fascinating. I would have never thought to add ginger to Wound-Cleaning Potion. Of course, though, ginger has antibacterial properties according to muggles. Adding it is brilliant, I would love to meet this Half-Blood Prince... what's funny, Harry?" You turned your attention to him when you felt his chest rise and fall.

"I'm losing my girlfriend to a textbook and the worst part is I think it's doing a better job at helping her get better."

"You've been helping me tons."

You slipped the textbook back into his school bag now that you had copied all the modified potions into your notebook. Even though he wasn't done with the Alchemy reading, which he complained to you that you assigned a lot, Harry set it down and turned you so that you were facing him. You poked at his tie. The common room was really quiet and you realized that this was the longest you had been around your boyfriend without your tongues down each other's throats. Just being in Harry's company was enough for you again. It wasn't completely back to normal but you realized you were feeling again. Harry smiled as you poked at his tie a bunch of times, with the tip of your tongue sticking out, before you turned your head. He held your hands while watching you tap into dark senses that you hadn't used since Sirius died. For once, he noted, you weren't looking scared when using the senses. You actually just seemed confused. Your body relaxed and you turned back to Harry with a pout.

"I can't understand it. I saw something but I can't understand the whispers."

"You can't?"

"It sounds like you when you talk in your sleep while we nap."

"I talk in my sleep?"

"You have entire conversations with yourself Ha—"

Your head turned again. Harry sat up a bit straighter. You tended not to have episodes back to back of dark senses. You were muttering something. He turned your head to him so he could hear you better. The words that were gibberish to you made perfect sense to him in Parseltongue. You blinked back to the reality in front of you.

The Golden Quartet {Cedric Diggory x Reader x Harry Potter}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora