Third Year: Chapter Nine

Start from the beginning

"Children, run!" Sirius yelled at all of you. "Run— Now!"

You, Harry, Ron, and Hermione headed back towards the castle. Lupin, now a fully transformed werewolf, casted Sirius aside and began to follow the easy targets that you were. Sirius transformed into his Animagus form. Pettigrew used the chaos to his advantage, transforming into a rat and fleeing.

Ron led the way as he darted into the woods. The forest provided some form of shelter but had split the four of you up. You and Ron had been separated from Harry and Hermione. The two of you darted behind a tree, holding your breath, as you watched the werewolf slink past you.

A cawing noise garnered his attention. Ron grabbed your arm and ushered you in the opposite direction. The two of you continued your hushed run until you saw the stones of the castle. Ducking behind the stone ledge, you two waited impatiently for Hermione and Harry. You got more worried by the minute when you didn't see them or Sirius or Snape. Ron hissed and grabbed at his leg.

"Ron!" you gasped.

The stitches that Lupin had given had busted open again from the running. With the adrenaline gone, Ron realized how much pain he was in— he began to think that his leg might be broken. You stood back up briefly to check on the outside, breathing in relief when you saw Snape appearing with three stretchers floating behind him, one with chains wrapped tightly around it. You ran to him.

"Professor, Ron is hurt!"

Without missing a beat, a stretcher was conjured up for Ron and you followed Snape as he led everyone to the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey jumped at the sight, alerting Dumbledore to be down at the infirmary right away. You stayed in the infirmary all night. They had taken your dad, much to your protest.

Harry groaned when he woke up. He wiggled his toes only for them to hit something that wasn't the edge of the hospital bed. His eyes opened to see you sitting cross-legged with your eyes closed at the edge of his bed. You were resting your chin on your hand and he was positive he could see you drooling. Laughing, Harry sat up and shook you from your nap.

"Oh, good, you're up. Madame Pomfrey!"

The nurse came out immediately to see the entire Golden Quartet now awake. She checked on Ron and Hermione first before moving to Harry. You looked at the newspaper tucked under her arm to see your father's mugshot plastered all over it once again. You grabbed the paper and read the front page.

"Where is he?" you asked frantically.

"Don't worry, Ms. Black. They've caught him. He's getting the Kiss now, the dementors are preparing upstairs. You are all safe now."


You, Harry, and Hermione ran before Madame Pomfrey could catch any one of you. You didn't get very far, running into Dumbledore right outside. He held a hand up to silence the unintelligible protests coming from the three of you. Harry was given the floor to speak, Hermione filling in all the little details.

"Professor Snape has already reported to the Minister. He even reports that Black confunded you all."

"He was knocked out! He doesn't know," you tried to reason.

Dumbledore looked at you. "Professor Snap—"

"Is ly—"

"Let me finish. Professor Snape is sure in what he saw. I cannot convince these men of otherwise."

"Do you believe us?"

Dumbledore nodded. "What we need is more time. More time and they could see the truth. I'll see what I can do. More time."

The Golden Quartet {Cedric Diggory x Reader x Harry Potter}Where stories live. Discover now