Third Year: Chapter Eight

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"Oh, come on Uncle Remus, it's only Hogsmeade."

"I'll forget the detention. If you trade me those licorice wands."

You easily coughed them up. You began to run off, not even caring that Remus took forty points from Hufflepuff. After the Hogsmeade debacle, you stayed out of trouble for the rest of the year. You only made a few more illegal trips to Hogsmeade with your cousin before deciding to stop all together. Not that there were many trips to Hogsmeade anyway. End of the year exams left everyone stressed. Fifth years were prepping for O.W.L.s— you knew it was bad when even Fred and George began to study. Seventh years were constantly carrying around their books to study for N.E.W.T.s. Every other grade had regular Hogwarts' exams but students were still freaking out.

You on the other hand were taking it mildly better. You turned in your essay to McGonagall, feeling rather good about it. Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes, Astronomy, and History of Magic were all essays as well. They were just timed and in class. Of course, you finished those without a worry in the world either. Herbology's essay and practical exam of growing a successful puffapod was a walk in the park. You and Neville walked out of the Herbology room with your heads held high. You only began to shake at the thought of Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms. You began to walk to the dungeons with all the other third years. Then, all of a sudden, the panic set in. Everyone took their seats— you sat with Draco. Snape strolled to the back of the classroom and pulled the lid off of a copper cauldron. He peered inside before abruptly turning to face you. He stuck out a hand.

"Your essay, Ms. Black."

You handed it in.


"I wrote about Draught of Living Death, Professor, and the potential potency increase if combined with the Potion for Dreamless Sleep."

"Very well, Ms. Black. You are dismissed."

"Wait, what?" The other third years protested.

Snape silenced the entire class. He didn't offer them any explanation. Instead, he told them to get out their cauldron and begin working on the first spell for exams. As everyone got to work, Snape poured out the tiniest vial of your felix felicis and gave it to you. The rest he bottled up and locked in the separate Potions supply cupboard. The vial was enough to get through Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts. You ran to find Cedric who just finished his final exam in Transfiguration. He laughed when you pulled him from his friends.

"Oh, good. You're still here."

"I was just about to head to Hogsmeade with the others. Do you want me to get you something?"

"I need your help."

"For what?"

You held up the vial and Cedric tried to snatch it from you. He inquired nonstop about where you possibly got some liquid luck as you dragged him to the Charms room. You chugged down the vial and knocked on Professor Flitwick's door. Not even moments later, you felt the potion start to work.

"I'd like to take my exam now, Professor Flitwick. If that's alright with you?"

"Of course, Ms. Black. You just have to get five out of the seven charms from this year and three from a previous year to be considered passable. Your essay extra credit means you only need, we'll say two charms from this year and two from a previous."

Cedric blinked in amazement. The felix felicis really did work. You knew that even with extra credit you probably should have still done four charms from this year and two from last. You started with the charms from the previous year. Reparo was perfectly mastered, and the natural opener to your act. Cedric did as you asked and cast a simple spell towards you that you were able to block with the general counter spell— albeit the block was very messy and bounced off of the chalkboard. When it was time to move on, you pointed your wand at Cedric and casted the Cheering Charm. The boy smiled wide as if it was picture day for school before the smile dropped. It wasn't long but it was good enough. The same thing happened when you casted the Body Binding Spell— Cedric went stiff for a moment. That moment was all you needed to earn the passable level.

The Golden Quartet {Cedric Diggory x Reader x Harry Potter}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora