Third Year: Chapter Seven

Start from the beginning

Cedric's parents cleaned while the two of you played wizard chess. You all agreed to open gifts towards the evening and opted to go to the town's Christmas play instead and eat dinner out. The sun began to set when you finally arrived home. The lights were turned off in favor of letting candles light the home.

The Diggorys opened their presents. Amos and Millicent thanked you for the new teaspoons and wizard chess set. Cedric was very pleased with the sweets and massive blanket that you found for him. You opened Padfoot's present for him— the cat immediately began to play with the enchanted toy mouse. The entire family jumped at the sudden crashing sound. You got up to see a large owl shaking out their feathers. Opening the window, the owl picked up their package and came inside the house.

"Blimey, Errol. Ron and this bloody bird. For an owl, he can't see when it gets dark."

You gave Errol a piece of fruit and the owl went on his way— after hitting the window once again. As Errol left, Kreacher finally arrived. You decided you wouldn't open your presents until you gave Kreacher his so you could open them together. Kreacher opened his box to find another small sweater, a t-shirt, socks, tiny boots like Dobby's, and some more galleons.

You noticed that he only wore the one sweater you got him or the original rag you first met him in. As expected, Kreacher returned the galleons. A softer, more gentle tapping on the window made you get up once again. This time it was four owls— Hedwig, Mr. Stapius' owl, and two you didn't recognize.

"Someone is pretty popular," Mrs. Diggory said with a chuckle as she fixed herself a cup of tea.

You weren't sure why. You only ever got two presents every Christmas. One from Draco and Narcissa. One from Mr. Stapius. It might have been three but you never wanted Poppy to spend the allowance Mr. Stapius gave you guys on presents when she had school stuff to buy. Of course, before you left with Cedric, Poppy didn't listen this year and gave you a tiny present that was sitting underneath the tree.

You took the packages from Hedwig, Mr. Stapius' owl, and the first unknown owl. Setting them down, you took the letter from the second unknown owl. All the birds were given pieces of leftover fruit and flew off. You waited at the window for a moment and when no more birds showed up, you finally took a seat. The Diggory house was suddenly full of various sized boxes, all for you.

To be nice, you opened their presents first. Cedric's parents had found a Herbology book for you— enjoying how you almost forgot about your other presents in order to start reading. Cedric got you a necklace he found because the charm had a preserved fluxweed flower in it.

"I earned an Outstanding because of your mustard idea," he said.

You began to open the other gifts. Mr. Stapius sent you a scarf, Poppy gifted you jelly slugs, and Neville decorated a new pot for your wiggentree. Kreacher was very proud of the old tea set he fixed— he boasted about how it had been in the Black family for centuries until Bellatrix broke it when yelling at Sirius and no one ever bothered to fix it. Immediately after opening it, Kreacher went to brew tea for everyone.

Professor Lupin, like the Diggorys, got you a book. Only his wasn't a Herbology book but a history on the defense of dark arts. Draco and Narcissa gifted you a jewelry set and silk pajamas— all in silver in case Lucius found it and they could pretend it was for Narcissa. Hermione's present was a new set of quills and a letter thanking you for the books because somehow she had missed seeing them at the bookstore. You opened the package that Errol dropped off. Ron got you sugar quills from Honeydukes and underneath the quills was a letter and a sweater. Mrs.Weasley had gotten word that Ron seemed to adopt another orphan into his friendship and felt the need to make a sweater. The sweater was knitted in a muted yellow to match your house color, your first initial was knitted in black.

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