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You paused your walking, looking up to see UA high school. Each blue window reflected the sunlight as you continued forward. 

"Here we go again," you mumbled as your feet crossed the threshold of the academy. 

You entered the same old classroom you usually attend. Today was the first day back after a full week of break from this school. Walking to your usual seat, which is in front of the angry Katsuki Bakugo in the back of the class. You paid no attention to him when he would start screaming at others, especially when he yells at Izuku. 

While waiting for Aizawa to enter the room, you pulled out a sketchbook and began to draw a mountainous landscape that just came to your mind. 

"How was your break, Kacchan?" Izuku asked, making you sigh at the response that will follow.

"SHUT UP, DEKU!" Bakugo shouted, almost hurting your ears. 

"Sorry." Izuku then took a few steps towards your desk, feeling his grin dawn on you. "How about you, (y/n)?" You shrugged as a response, keeping your mouth shut. During the break, you didn't really do anything but watch anime and draw. 

You heard footsteps at the door, seeing Aizawa enter the room in his yellow sleeping bag. 

"Sit down," he mumbled, making everyone take their seats. "We'll start training tomorrow. Today is just a cool-down day, and honestly, I don't feel like doing anything so just do whatever. As long as you don't wake me up, that is." He sat in the corner of the classroom, snuggling in his sleeping bag as everyone began to chat. 

You felt the back of your seat get hit, but did nothing, knowing it was Bakugo. This doesn't happen often, but when it does, you know it's an accident. As you continued your drawing, you saw Kirishima and Kaminari march behind you.

"Hey, buddy!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"SHUT UP, SHITTY HAIR!" Bakugo shouted, making everyone shush the group.

"Don't wake up Aizawa, dude." Kaminari softly spoke, sighing afterward.

"What do you want?!" Bakugo blurted, placing his feet on top of his desk and sticking his hands into his pockets.

"We just want to know how your break was." Kirishima gave him a warm smile.

"It was terrible. The old hag wouldn't stop messing with me!" Bakugo complained. 

Kaminari noticed your focus was on a sheet of paper in front of you, making him curious. He shuffled to your desk, both Kirishima and Bakugo still talking about the break. 

"Nice drawing," he spoke, leaning forward slightly to see it better. You nodded, adding a few more shades. 

"It really is," Kirishima commented, watching as you finished the last shade. 

The drawing consisted of three mountains and a river. The trees were spread along the side of the paper with much detail. Each shade was precise and well-drawn. You weren't necessarily great with colouring so you just did sketches.

"Can I have that? It's really good!" Kaminari asked, placing a hand on your shoulder. You nodded, ripping the paper out of the sketchbook. You handed him the drawing seeing his face light up as you did so. 

"Aww, no fair. I want it." Kirishima whined. Kaminari spun his head and chuckled, seeing Kirishima frown as they went back to conversing with Bakugo. 

You laid your head in your arms, watching everyone around you. They all smiled and laughed as they stuck beside their friends. 

You didn't believe you were friends with anyone, more like acquaintances. They would talk to you here and there, but you never hung out with anyone. You didn't complain either, since you liked it alone sometimes.

"Hey." A familiar soft, monotone voice broke the silence in your head. You shifted your head towards the boy who sat beside you. "Can I see your drawings?" he asked.

You nodded, handing the sketchbook to Todoroki. As he flipped through pages, his eyes slightly widened to how amazing they were. 

"They are really good." He wasn't very expressive, but you heard more happiness in his tone. 

You nodded in response, seeing him flip through more pages. You took notice of your old drawings, grinning to yourself at how far you've come in the artwork. 

Bakugo sighed as he tilted his chair back and forth, lifting his head to see his rival flipping through papers. 'They are drawings', he thought. 

"Here you go." Todoroki handed you the sketchbook, grinning slightly as you grabbed it and placed it on your desk. 

'Those were (y/n)'s drawings', Bakugo thought to himself. 

You heard the bell ring, meaning lunchtime. You stood slowly as everyone quickly ran out of the classroom, Todoroki staying beside you and Bakugo behind you. Walking down the hall, you heard shouts of excitement in the cafeteria. 

"YES!" Kirishima shouted as he grabbed his lunch.

"Seems like it's open." Todoroki softly spoke, you following him as the best venue opened for food. Everyone crowding the area.

You stood in the back of the line, hearing Bakugo scoff, assuming it's because of Todoroki. Once you grabbed your food, Todoroki walked off to sit beside his group of friends. Bakugo wandered, seeing Kirishima wave his hand. Bakugo sat beside Kirishima as you placed yourself on the empty end of the table. 

"(y/n), come here! You always sit over there." Kaminari motioned for you to scoot closer. You always sat here because it was the table with the most space since no one really bothers to hang around Bakugo. 

You scooted towards Kaminari, keeping a good few inches away from him. You picked up your chopsticks and began to eat the chicken and rice that is on your plate.

"I'm tired of Icey Hot sitting by me!" Bakugo complained as he stabbed his chopsticks into a piece of chicken.

"Oh, yea. I forgot a few of us had new seating arrangements." Kirishima added, taking a bite of rice.

"The only people he didn't move was you, (y/n), and Midoriya," Kaminari spoke, taking a glance at you for a moment.

"Why didn't you guys move?" Kirishima asked, him receiving a gaze from your eyes. You turned your head to face Bakugo, but he was still angered about Todoroki. 

You shrugged in response, taking another bite.

"Man, I was hoping the week of break would get you to talk," Kaminari added.

"She hasn't spoken a word today." Both boys sighed as Bakugo stabbed another piece of chicken.

"STOP SIGHING, IDIOTS!" Bakugo shouted. Kirishima placed a hand on his shoulder, somehow, calming him down a bit.

'It's nice that one person can calm him down', you thought as you stood to throw your chopsticks away and place the tray in its designated spot. 

"It's nice he doesn't yell at you, huh?" Kaminari playfully nudged your shoulder, receiving a small grin from you. In response, you did your casual nod. 

"How can I get mad at her when she doesn't speak!" Bakugo fumed, standing to throw his things away. 

"So, (y/n)." Kaminari's voice made your head spin to him, giving him a puzzled look. "You single?" You tried to hold back a laugh, hearing Kirishima chuckle. "What?" Kaminari blurted as Bakugo sat down. Your laugh finally broke out, making them shocked. 

You patted Kaminari's shoulder as your laughing calmed down, hearing silence dawn on the four of you. 

"I am," you said, making the boys grow wide eyes. 

"She spoke!" 

"She did it! She really did it!"

"SHUT UP!" Bakugo slammed his hands on the desk, making the two boys laugh.

"Calm down, Bakubro. She spoke." Kirishima added, glancing at your (e/c) eyes. You sent him a small grin.

'Thank god', Kaminari thought as he sighed in relief. 'She actually said something'.

Her Solitude - Katsuki Bakugo X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now