I shrug and look out the window. "I'm healthy, happy, and living. What isn't there to be happy about?"

He nods head head with a grin. "Okay, that's true. You got me there."

I smile at the window as we pass by trees and houses, watching the scene before me speed past us.


"Okay, class. For the remaining time we have, we will take a pop quiz!" Our chemistry teacher announces. My head snaps up to stare at the chemistry teacher in fear as the rest if the class groans in annoyance.

Oh no. God no. This can't be happening! I'm not ready!

"Hey, you'll do fine." Will whispers from beside me. I snap my head to look at him with wide-eyes.

"What are you talking about!?" I whisper-yell at him. "I'm going to die! I'm going to fail and then die!"

Because if I fail this quiz then I will never get my grades up in three weeks.

He chuckles pats the top of my head. "Stop being so over dramatic." He whispers back.

I glare at him and punch his arm. "You have perfect grades, you have nothing to worry about! I suck at school! Not just one class--oh no--I suck at school in general!"

"Ahem. Miss Hale, Mister Thatcher, is there something you wish to share with the rest of class?" Mr. Green challenges us, interrupting our whisper conversation.

I shake my head no as Will speaks up. "Yes we were wondering when you were going to lose the wig and grow some real hair?"

I stifle a giggle as the entire class bursts into a fit of laughter. Everyone looks at the top of Mr. Green's head, where there is idly sitting a tupe. You heard me right, we have a teacher that wears a tupe.

"What did you say!?" Mr. Green demands of Will. Will shrugs and rests his hands behind his head.

"I said, when are you--"

"I KNOW WHAT YOU SAID!" He booms angrily, causing a few students to snicker in the background.

"Sir," Will begins. "I was just elaborating as you asked. If you didn't want me to repeat myself, why would you--"

"BE QUIET MISTER THATCHER!" The teacher huffs, his face turning a weird purple-y red color.

"Well, sir, do you want me to answer or be quiet? Because it is physically impossible for me to do both. Unless you want me to do charades. Oh! I'm am awesome at that game. This one time--"


Mr. Green's rant is cut off by the sound of the bell signaling the end of class. Everyone immediately jumped out of their seats and bolted for the doors.

Exiting the classroom was like being released from slavery after being imprisoned for years. Okay, so maybe I was exaggerating, but you get the main idea.

We don't have to take that pop quiz!

And then the thought hits me.

Because of Will, we don't have to take the pop quiz.

I immediately began scanning the hallway, looking for any sign of Will. I saw the back of his dark head and made a beeline straight for the tall teenager.

"Will!" I exclaim, putting my hand on his shoulder and making him face me.

"Yes, Princess?" He asks me with a smirk, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Did you do that so we wouldn't have to take the quiz?" I question him.

"Um... Excuse me? I'm talking to him." A blonde girl with way too much make up says to me with attitude. I roll my eyes.

"Yes and I'm a girl. What amazing things we discover when we open our eyes." I reply sarcastically, bringing my attention back to an amused Will.

"So, did you?"

"Did I what?" He tilts his head to the side.

"Did you distract Mr. Green from the quiz?"

He shrugs. "Well, I wasn't ready for the quiz and distracted him. So? Why does it matter?"

I opened my mouth, only to close it again.

Why does it matter?

I sigh and look up at him. "No reason. I was just curious." I shrug before spinning on my heel and walking down the throng of teenagers, leaving him to converse with the cake-faced blonde.

Just as I reach my locker, the realization hits me.

Chemistry is Will's best class.

I stop my foot in annoyance.

"That lying fudge monkey!"


Here is a chapter!!!!

Alright, catch y'all later.


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