Chapter 5

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"Wow," Dawn says. We walk the rest of the distance to the trainer school. The trainer school isn't anything fabulous, just a one story building that doesn't blend in with the rest of the city. Bushes and shrubs are next to the door. The flag of the government, simply red and white, is hanging on a tall pole. We enter the building.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Barry shouts, annoyed. He was staring at a chalkboard.

"Hey, be patient! We were getting her a poketch!" Dawn yells back.

"Haha! I know how to beat perish song! Let's battle, Skylar!" Barry says.

"Sure," I say. Weavile needs more practice, so I'd use him and Absol.

"Let's go! I want to fight!" Houndour shouts, coming out of the pokeball. I sigh. Well, looks like I'm not using Absol.

"That ok, Absol?" I ask.

"Yes. I'll watch," Absol responds.

"Alright! 2 on 2!" Barry says. He holds out a pokeball.

"Shouldn't you 2 go outside. There's a battle field," Lucas says, cutting in. We nod, and go outside. Don't want to exactly destroy the trainer school.

"Go! Weavile!" I shout, tossing a pokeball out. Weavile appears in a flash of white light. He gets in battle stance.

"Go! Crawdaunt!" Barry shouts. So, he decides to try and make my STAB moves not very affective. Smart, but I have a few tricks up my sleave.


"Weavile, swords dance!" I shout.

"Crawdaunt, use crabhammer!" Barry commands.

While swords surround Weavile, Crawdaunt's claw starts glowing. He brings it down on Weavile.

"Hahaha! Direct hit!" Crawdaunt shouts.

"Ain't over yet," Weavile states. "Just getting warmed up."

"Weavile, go with night slash!"

"Crawdaunt, guillotine!"

Crap. If guillotine hits, it's a knockout for Weavile. Thanks to his speed, Weavile was able to dodge the attack and hit Crawdaunt with night slash. Of course, it wasn't very damaging, but it was boosted by the swords dance.

"Weavile, focus punch!"

"Crawdaunt, waterfall!"

While Weavile tightens his focus, Crawdaunt uses waterfall. And, guess what, it missed!

Weavile goes in with a focus punch, instantly knocking Crawdaunt out. I cheer for him.

"Good job, Weavile!" I chant.

"That was just a lucky shot!" Barry yells.

"Well, you'd be winning if you hit that waterfall," I counter.

"Crawdaunt is unable to battle. Please send out your next pokemon, Barry," Lucas says.

"Fine. Go, Gastrodon!" Barry seethes, sending out his pokemon.


I was a bit worried about Weavile. He was beyond exhausted, I can tell.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine!" Weavile shouts, giving me a nod.

"Gastrodon, Muddy Water!"

"Weavile, jump over it and use ice shard!"

A giant wave of muddy water appears, Gastrodon sitting at the top. Weavile nimbly jumps over it, and launches a powerful ice shard. The waves disperses, leaving Weavile and Gastrodon standing at opposite ends. The attack did little damage.

"Water pulse!"

"Dodge it!"

Unfortunately, Weavile was getting tired. A large water ball came rushing at Weavile. The attack hits, and Weavile fainted.

"Ugh..." Weavile moans.

"Good job, Weavile," I say, returning him.

"Well, as we could see, Weavile is unable to battle," Lucas says. Dawn nods in agreement.

"Houndour, it's your turn!" I chant. Houndour jumps on the field, a determined look in his eyes.

"Yeah, let's kick some butt!" He shouts.

"Ha, I won't let you win! You're a fire type!" Gastrodon yells back.


"Houndour, Dark pulse!"

"Gastrodon, Water pulse!"

The giant sea slug pokemon sends a pulse of water, while Houndour sends a pulse of darkness. The collide, and the dark pulse wins. Gastrodon is sent flying. He quickly rightens himself.

"Houndour , solar beam!"

"Gastrodon, mud bomb!"

Houndour looks at me like I'm crazy, but does what I say. Gastrodon sends a flying mud bomb in Houndour's direction. Since Houndour has to absorb energy, Gastrodon's attack hits, dealing a lot of damage.

"OW!" Houndour cries. But, the solar beam is done charging.

"FIRE!" I shout. Houndour lets all of his energy out, firing toward Gastrodon. Barry looks shocked. He probably bet on mud bomb finishing Houndour. It's a direct hit; Gastrodon faints.

"Gastrodon is unable to battle! The victory goes to Skylar!" Lucas shouts. I cheer. Barry glumly shakes my hand. I can tell he's mad at something. Probably his loss. Dawn tells me good job, and I return Houndour. We decide to go to the pokemon center.

Houndour just defeated another pokemon when at a disadvantage. Which leads me to think about something, a question to myself.

Why hasn't Houndour evolved yet?

"So the pup was able to beat someone," I hear Swellow say. Hopefully, my human friends don't hear me laugh.

AN: Hey, people! Hope you enjoy my story! Make sure to check out itoly256 and IceColdArt, who voted for me like 4 times, both my real life friends. Yes, I have real friends.

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