I'm Privileged.

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Cleansed water flowing on my skin
And every day I call a new begin
But not every living lives
If there are only puddles
of mud and weed.

A chart full of blue and green
That makes you think
The world is all good and clean
That everyone has what they need
But not every living has the seeds
To live, to eat
To grow and evolve.

Used to stare at the ceiling
Dealing with some feelings
And waiting for some healing
But not every living lives
If there are fires and bombs
waiting at your door.

My skin is as pale as that of the Moon
Still I am treated good.
Their skin is brown as berry
'Cause of the Sun
But they are treated as
If they are not Mother's Earth sons.

I am Privileged
More than someone else
But so is you
And it is our duty
To use our voices;
Sing, Act, Protest
Everything is in our hands
To speak up and address
A Problem
And a Change's success.
We are Privileged.

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