Chapter 16: Town of Complex Simplicity

Start from the beginning

Oh, it's dad.
Fuck you.
Fuck needing someone to tell me.
Fuck humanity.
Never stopped you, right dad?

I pulled the bottle's trigger, as the darkness ran right past me. 

I saw the window, I felt the window. I felt again. 
I shot the car behind us, as Fuben began to shout at me again.

"PUT THE SUPRESSOR ON FIRST, YOU DUMBASS!" He shouted, throwing me an iron cylinder. 

I screwed it on and began firing at the men, making sure they don't make it in front of us, to keep Fuben's identity safe. I could barely shoot straight, because they car kept moving and tumbling on rocks. The highway was short, and Fuben knew a detour. It would only take us about 5 minutes to reach the branching highway. 


I aimed and shot one of the tires, and managed to make the car lose balance. It began to swerve, swinging left and right. It slammed into the car on its left.

"..Was that murder?" Yuki asked, as we all looked over at each other.
"S-Self defense?" I nervously said.

"ONE MORE ON THE LEFT, COMING QUICK! PASS ME THE GUN!" Noa shouted at me, when I got startled and threw the gun. 

It hit Fuben in the head, as Fuben fell asleep on the wheel. 

"SHIT! KANASHI, TAKE THE WHEEL!" Noa told me, while pointing the gun at the men outside.

I took the wheel and hid Fuben in between my legs. I stepped on the gas, and kept driving forward. Noa shot the driver in the car on out left, as the car accidentally drove into the highway on their left.

"Jeez.. not how I expected a Sunday to go." 
"Mmph! MMPH!" I heard, while the car looked around.

"Did we pack a guest?" Yuki asked.
"No?" I said, as Fuben began to struggle. 

"Next time you sit on my face, I'll be sure to bring an extra gun." Fuben said, pushing me off of him. 

We eventually arrived at Fruity's place, but we couldn't see it. It was engulfed in black smoke, as Fuben pulled up.

Me and Fuben hopped out of the car, and ran through the smoke. Fruity's house was lit ablaze.
We ran into the garage of Fruity's house, as Fuben slipped and fell.

"You ok?"

"Kanashi.. this is blood. Look around the house for any clues for anything else, then get out." Fuben said to me, while I opened the door and ran out. 

Fuben bent down and looked at the body, clearing the smoke in front of him. He felt rope, and tugged on it. 

It was Daigo's lifeless body, still tied up. Fuben looked at the expression on his face, fear and terror, turned into an expression that will forever stay in Fuben's mind. Fuben looked at his body, his chest and stomach stabbed and shot over and over again. Fuben felt the knife wounds and counted, counted over and over again.

"23 times.. that's how old he was." Fuben said out loud, as I ran back downstairs.

"Nothing I could find, what now?"
"Now we get the fuck out of here. We already lost a friend." Fuben said to me. 

We ran to the car and drove away from Fruity's place, planning to wait at the Fountain of Gold.

While in the car, Shizuka came to me and asked Fuben something on her notepad.

"You remember this place, right Fuben?"

"Damn it, Shizuka."

As we arrived, Yuki, Shizuka, and Akira began shopping around the outlet. Fuben decides to watch over the three, as Noa and Kanashi watched the car.

"Why DO you follow everything you're told?" Noa asked me.

"I just want to avoid another coming of a bastard like my father. My father beat me whenever I didn't do something he wanted. I couldn't do anything without him beating me. I still have scars from that dick. Flashbacks every now and then, about a man I used to trust, a man I used to call 'dad'." I said to Noa.

"..Huh. Interesting."

"They're back!"

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