An Interrogation: Part 9

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"Tell me where Organa is!" Hux shouted slamming his fist against the table where Poe sat. Poe laughed and spat blood from his wounded mouth in Hux's face. He had been beaten relentlessly by a trooper upon Hux's orders. But he gave no answers to Hux's questions. "Keep your secrets. But know this. You have had it easy. Kylo Ren will extract the location of your leader from your mind directly. Whether you want to or not you will give the First Order what it wants." Hux continued. He removed a black piece of cloth from his jacket pocket and wiped away the blood from his face. 

"You will have to kill me first!" Poe spat back. Hux scoffed. 

"Yes. Your death will come swiftly. But only after Commander Ren has extracted the information we require." Hux said then walked out of the room. 

Poe sat in the hard metal chair holding back the scream that he wanted to let out sense he was taken prisoner by the First Order. He had been in interrogation for days. Given little to no food or water or even the ability to sleep he was exhausted both mentally and physically. Kylo Ren could have easily extracted the information from Poe's mind days ago but he insisted that Tiah do it to improve upon her skills in the force. But she was still healing and he needed her in better health in order to successfully probe Poe's mind. 

More days passed and Poe was becoming weaker and weaker. His mind hollow and his body limp. After being forced to sit in a dark room for the last few days without anything to occupy his thoughts Poe had started to give up hope. For the first time in Poe Dameron's life he felt helpless. The Resistance wasn't coming for him like he had hoped. Maybe they thought he was dead. That would be the most logical explanation. But even if they did think he was alive they wouldn't risk their lives to save just one man. Wouldn't they?

The doors opened with a hiss and two figures walked into the cold and dark interrogation room. Their footsteps echoed off the walls. Poe lifted his head and squinted his eyes as the light above him that turned on suddenly. Before him stood Kylo Ren and Tiah Utan clad in their First Order clothes and helmets. They looked down at Poe then to each other. 

"Poe Dameron. Right hand to General Organa. Enemy to the First Order. Tell us. Where is General Organa?" Kylo said in a monotone voice. Poe squinted again and looked between Kylo and Tiah. 

"Why is she here?" Poe said pointing to Tiah. 

"She is here to tear the information I need from your weak mind. Unless you tell us right now where Organa is." Kylo responded with a bit of force in his voice this time. Poe coughed lightly and straightened himself in his seat. 

"I will tell you nothing!" Poe screamed at Kylo. 

"Very well." Kylo said then took a step back away from Poe and allowed Tiah to move toward the prisoner. 

"What are you? A mini Ren or something?" Poe asked raising an eyebrow at her. Tiah threw her head back and laughed maniacally. 

"Something like that." Tiah said then lifted her hand toward Poe's head and placed it upon it. She focused her force ability toward's Poe's mind. Trying to surpass his mental walls to find the location of General Organa. "You will tell me." Tiah spoke evenly. 

"I. Will. NOT!" Poe screamed and Tiah pushed back with her mind. Searching each and every memory he had locked away in his brain. She saw happy memories and sad memories. Heart break and revelations. She saw Poe fighting along side Resistance members. She saw him protecting the innocent against the evil. Tiah hesitated as soon as she entered the part of Poe's mind that held the information she sought. 

"He is fighting me." Tiah said in a strained voice.

"Allow the force to flow through you. Let it guide you to what you want." Kylo said in her ear. He placed a hand on her shoulder and leaned in closer to her. "You can do this. Do this for me." Kylo said. He could sense her hesitation. Tiah took a deep breath in and refocused on her task. She reached deeper in Poe's mind until she found what she was looking for. Poe screamed as he fought her off in his head. 

"You have no idea what you are doing! If you destroy the Resistance there will be no hope! DON'T DO THIS!" Poe yelled as he felt Tiah pry deeper into his mind. Tiah felt Poe's pain and she even felt bad for him. She could see how much he cared for his people and the galaxy. But she needed to get this information. She needed to find General Organa, and not just for the First Order. But for Kylo. 

"Ajan Kloss." Tiah said as she released her hold on Poe's mind. Poe was covered in a sheen of sweat and was panting. He was hunched over and his hands were balled up in fists. 

Kylo patted Tiah on the back and stepped toward Poe. 

"Thank you for your cooperation." Kylo said then he pulled out his lightsaber and held it against Poe's throat. 

"Don't!" Tiah shouted. Kylo turned to her and tilted his head. "He could be more useful. He has more information. I could sense it. Don't kill him yet." She continued. 

"My student has a point. It is your lucky day Dameron. You get to live... for now." Kylo said then turned off his lightsaber. Poe let out a breath of relief even though he knew he wasn't out of the woods just yet. Kylo turned his attention back to Tiah and held his hand out to her. "Come. You must rest." Kylo said and Tiah nodded. She took his hand and walked out of the room with him.

Kylo rarely showed public displays of affection. He rarely showed any affection at all for that matter. But he held a soft spot for Tiah. And this was Tiah's first real interrogation with her force abilities and it took a lot out of her. Kylo could sense it. He lead her down the halls of Star Killer base toward her room and they walked inside. They removed their helmets and stood before one another. 

"You did well today. But I did sense some hesitation. Why?" Kylo asked her. 

"I...I am conflicted." Tiah replied. 

"About destroying the Resistance?" Kylo asked. 

"Yes and no." She said. 

"Tell me." Kylo said and walked closer to her. They were now inches apart. 

"I know General Organa is... or was close to you. I only wish that what we do next is in the best interest of the First Order... and you. I know that personal relationships are a weakness and your connection to Organa is in the past. But..." Tiah trailed off. She had seen into Kylo's mind and knew of his past but he was not forthcoming with it outwardly. She needed to make sure she wasn't over stepping. She had grown close to Kylo but she still didn't know if he was willing to open up to her yet. 

"But?" Kylo asked. 

"But... she's still your mother." Tiah said after a long pause of silence. Kylo looked into Tiah's eyes and said nothing for a few minutes. Their eyes lingering upon one another's. After a while he spoke. 

"She is nothing to me." He said. And even though he said it as if he meant it, Tiah could feel that it was a lie. 

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