I’d go to work thinking about him, my days on autopilot as I served coffee to men who didn’t have an ounce of the class and chivalry Keith did.

I’d rush home after my shift, changing into a business casual outfit before grabbing my briefcase of bricks and running back out.

I’d always sit on the bench outside the building where Keith works, and when he’d walk out, I’d smile, basking in his warm attention.

One day, when I felt our relationship had reached a certain stage, I decided it was time to openly express our feelings.

“Good evening, Miss Pauline.”

“Good evening, Officer.”

“Now, Miss Pauline,” he chuckled. “You know I’m no officer. I’m just a security guard.”

“You’ve got more bravery and honor in your little finger than any officer I know. And you definitely look better in a uniform than those tubs waddling around with guns and donuts.”

He raised his eyebrows in flustered surprise. “Oh, now … now, Miss Pauline, that’s no way to talk about our men in blue!”

“I mean nothing against them.” I stood up and adjusted his collar. “I just feel you deserve the title of officer just as much as they do.”

An adorable blush tinted his nose and cheeks. “I appreciate it, Miss Pauline. You’re very kind to me.”

“And you’re very kind to me. It’s very hard to find decent, respectful men like you around here.”

He looked down with a bashful smile. “Now, Miss Pauline—”

“Please, just call me Pauline.”

“I can’t. I’ve been raised to always respect a lady.”

“Do you call your fiancé ‘Miss’?”

His smile vanished as his cheeks became ashen. “Yes.”

“Do you love her?”

“Oh, now … now, Miss Pauline, begging your pardon, but I don’t think that’s a very appropriate question.” He bent down to pick up my briefcase. “I can’t believe they expect you to carry all this work home every day.”

“It’s all part of the job.” I hooked my arm around his as we walked to my apartment building. “I’m so lucky to have a strong gentleman like you to keep me safe on these dark nights. I just want you to know I really appreciate everything you do.”

“It’s my pleasure,” he said, his smile returning. “I’m glad I can personally make sure you get home alright.”

“I'd love to have a man like you at home as well.”

“I got no doubt in my mind you’ll find one.”

“Do you think I’d make a good wife?”

“Oh, yes. I think you’d make a lucky man very happy.”

“Are you a lucky man?”

His smile wavered. “Yes. I’m only a security guard with nothing much to my name, but I found me a lady who tolerates all that.”

“That shouldn’t be tolerated, that should be respected. You’ve got a stable income, you work protecting people, you even help others off-hours, like me. You’re very caring and considerate. You deserve someone who sees all that, Keith.”

He turned to me, his beautiful eyes glinting. “You called me Keith.”

I leaned my head against his shoulder. “I feel we’ve talked enough to do without titles. We've become quite close. I enjoy these walks with you. Don't you?”

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