What's her deal? : Amber

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Amber grunted and reached for her silk bow that doubled as a wristband, frustratingly wrapping her long, thick brunette hair into a half-assed high pony. Her slightly muscular arms could be seen through the deep red material of her outfit, her strength of which had come from the ruthless training she endured daily. Delicately curling some stray strands around her finger, she sighed and stared at herself in the mirror.

The person she saw staring back at her was not the one she recognised from all those years ago. Instead, they were now someone who affiliated with a corrupt organisation. One that was infamously known as the poison of Teyvat, and one she also knew she wanted to have no part in. And yet here she was.

'Just remember who you're doing this for.'
Amber muttered under her breath.

Not much was known about Ambers past. Rumours spread among the Fatui members, but they were shut down almost as quickly as they had started. Ambers rank combined with her outwardly controlling and aggressive attitude meant nobody wanted to get on her bad side. However, inside she knew she couldn't blame them for being curious about what her deal was. After all, an innocent little girl from Mondstat turning up to a high crime organisation and quickly being trained into a criminal wasn't an everyday occurrence, and questions were bound to rise.

But her story was nobody's business other than her own. Although she had been a well ranking member of the organisation for years now, she would rather go to the grave then trust a single member with her information, and she wanted to keep it that way.

The brunette shook her head lightly and regained her focus back to the task at hand. Taking one last deep breath, she walked over to the bench near the exit and picked up her trusty bow, tracing it with her fingers to make sure the wood was still smooth and the bandages she wrapped around the centre hadn't come loose yet. Tartaglia (one of the 11 harbingers she had later found out) had given them to her in case she was ever wounded in battle, but it had been years since her last injury so she used it to her advantage.

The symbol resembling her pyro vision was still carved beautifully into the wood too. Amber would never say, but she was proud of how good a job she had done with it. In a way, it was one of the only things left that made her feel just that much closer to her younger self.

With one swift movement, she slung the rest of her equipment over her shoulder and counted her arrows.
Good. Everything was intact.
Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she adjusted the bag to a more comfortable position and walked out of the door, determined not to fall behind in training.

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