Lǎoshī (part 2)

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Zhou keyu was holding Patrick both of the hand as if he is scared that if he let's go of Patrick's hand Patrick will disappear from him . But Patrick slowly removed his hands from Zhou keyu's hold . His hands slowly reached out to Zhou keyu's glasses and removed them . All those time Zhou keyu was patiently waiting for Patrick's next move .

Patrick put Zhou keyu's glasses on the table in front of them and smashed his lips on Zhou keyu's. Zhou keyu knowing damn well what that kiss meant he instantly kissed Patrick back . Zhou keyu gently bit Patrick's bottom lip asking for permission which Patrick allowed him .

Zhou keyu slowly inserted his tongue into Patrick's mouth exploring every corner , every inch of Patrick's mouth . Zhou keyu gently lifted Patrick on his lap . Patrick's both other legs were now hugging Zhou keyu's waist tightly wrapped. Zhou keyu's hands were moving up and down and one of his hand went under Patrick's hoodie. Zhou keyu was moving his hand on Patrick's spine as if he was making sure that Patrick's spine was all intact and counting his vertebrae in his head which made Patrick let out a small moan . Zhou keyu was shocked by the sound he just heard .

They pulled away to breath and you could see the string of saliva breaking from their mouth. Patrick on Zhou keyu's lap all blushed up from his cheeks to his ears to his nose to his temple every part of him was red and his lip were swollen. Patrick hid his face on Zhou keyu's chest. Patrick doesn't know what took over his body to make that bold move now he was cursing himself in his head.

Zhou keyu let out a small laugh because of Patrick's cuteness. That sound is recorded in my heart  Zhou keyu said patting Patrick's head .

So does that mean you will be my boyfriend? Zhou keyu asked Patrick as he put his hand under Patrick's chin and made Patrick look at him . Patrick nodded smiling ear to ear . Zhou keyu kissed Patrick's forehead, both of his eyes, his cheeks his nose gently as if Zhou keyu was handling the most delicate piece of art in his hands.

They have been dating since that day Zhou Keyu became more open to patrick he would smile more often in class and when he is teaches Patrick he is more clingy but at the same time both of them are quite shy with each other. Zhou Keyu became more gentle with everyone in the class and with Patrick he is the most gentle person in this
world. It's like he is in charge of spoiling Patrick. Some times he is strict but not that much.

Today in class Patrick wasn't paying attention to his Lǎoshī and Zhou keyu noticed that his boyfriend isn't Paying attention to the class.  OH by the way Zhou keyu moved Patrick's sit to the last bench so no one will see them flirting in the class because time to time Zhou keyu would drop Patrick's favourite chocolate or candy for Patrick to enjoy while studying .

Zhou keyu was walking while teaching like a typical teacher would do . He stopped besides Patrick and placed his hand on Patrick's back . He slowly inserted his hand through Patrick's shirt . Repeating the same action from the day he confessed to Patrick. When Patrick felt his hand he instantly straighten his back . Zhou keyu was slowly sliding his hand inside mentally counting Patrick's vertebrae . Patrick's hands turned into fists because of the tension. He is trying not to moan in  front of the whole class . He was biting his lips hard .

Zhou keyu bend down to Patrick's height and whispered into Patrick's ear teasingly you weren't paying attention to the class my beloved student. He then proceed to remove his hand from Patrick's back . He gave the class some work so nobody was paying any attention to Zhou keyu or Patrick or what was going on at the back of the class .

Zhou keyu again whispered to Patrick's ear this time his voice was serious and sexy wait for me in the car after class  you have to get punished for not paying attention and then he walked away as if he just didn't messed up his lover head .

Patrick was going crazy both mentally and physically for what his Lǎoshī did while sitting in the car waiting for Zhou keyu. Zhou keyu came and drove off in light speed.

After getting out of the car Zhou keyu pulled Patrick into a kiss . A kiss turned into thousands. All I can say at this point is that day from the afternoon till midnight all you could hear was loud banging, bed hitting the floor , Patrick's loud moaning and Zhou keyu's satisfied moaning with groans.

Oh about food? Well they eat on the bed and ....rest of them are history.

Imagine the sitting position in the first half is from don't say no the series EP 10 Leon pob part but this time Patrick is on keyu's lap. Also this story was inspired by hitorijime my hero and classmate anime you could see the line similarities from classmate anime movie in the part when keyu says that he recorded Patrick's moan in his heart . Both of the anime is my favorite so that's why I wanted to write something like that .

Finished 3> hope you guys liked it leave a star and a comment also if you guys have any requests then plz let know in the comments or in dm .

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