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Hello dear armys! This story is very dear to me and I hope you like it, it's pretty much cliche or so I think but I hope not. I hope you like this story.


"Sir," Jimin started only to be stopped as the said man raised his hand commanding silence, "My decision is final, you are dismissed," His father's nonchalant voice rang in his ears earning a whimper. How could he be so calm about giving him away to another alpha? And he didn't even bother asking Jimin whether he wanted to get married or not? Why would the old man care anyways? In his mind omegas' opinions hold no value. Jimin stood up and pushed his feet towards the direction of his room trying to hold back the tears that threaten to stream down his face. He locked the door, curling up in his nest and letting the tears fall.

His parents had arranged his marriage with the mysterious Jeon Jungkook, heir to the infamous Jeon Empire. Since no one had seen the man before, rumours had spread that the alpha was disfigured and so chose to hide his face. Surprisingly though he was to make an appearance and let curious people finally see who he was on the day he would take over the company. His alpha sisters didn't know about his marriage or they would surely have fought over to get themselves married to such a rich alpha. Jimin knew why they didn't tell them, because they wanted to get rid of him. All Jimin's life, he had tried to stand up against the traditional mind-set of his father who believed that omegas shouldn't show any form of strength and independence. However when the young boy's only pillar of support his mother passed away he no longer had the heart left to fight his father. He gave into the old man's wishes and sculpted himself into the very omega his father wanted him to be, sensitive, submissive, weak and fragile.

After a few hours of seclusion Jimin was called down to cook dinner for the family like a 'good' omega. Though there were plenty of maids in the house his father still forced Jimin to cook all three meals of the day. He did so while doing his best to ignore the snarky remarks his step mother would pass from time to time. Serving the dinner he sat beside his stepmother and waited for his father the head alpha of the family to allow him to eat which he didn't until he was finished. Since he was unmated he had to wait for his father's permission to eat the food, when he would be mated he would not be allowed to eat until his alpha had done so.

While he waited for his father to allow him to eat his food the topic of his marriage was brought up on the table earning an internal sigh from the poor omega. "Why does he get to marry Jungkook?" Cho, oldest of three sisters asked, pointing an accusing finger at Jimin, "The Jeon family asked for Jimin's hand and I gave it. They did tell me to ask for the boy's permission but I saw no reason to do so," His father replied nonchalantly eyes finding Jimin's who immediately averted his gaze to the food. "Connections with The Jeon Family can really benefit us," The man added as the omega looked up fiddling his fingers as he managed a question, "Did they ask for my hand sir?" He wasn't allowed to call his father, father or dad as his stepmother did not allow it, "I showed them your picture, their son accepted." Jimin nodded taking some food into his mouth.

"But papa, I want to marry him!" Cho retaliated pushing her chair away so she could stand up. Jimin expected this, of course she would want to marry Jungkook, who would want to miss a chance to marry such a rich alpha or become part of The Jeon Family. Their father shook his head, "No, Jungkook wasn't interested in any of you," The twin sisters, Aera and Ara snickered as Cho sat down defeated in her chair earning a scoff from Jihyun, their oldest brother, the only one who actually cared for Jimin and refused to abuse his power on him, "Jimin should be married to that man, I bet he'd be better off with him than with any of you," Jimin softly smiled eyes finding his caring brother's, "Don't say that," He said as the maids came and took their plates away, "It's the truth and you know it brother," The alpha said wiping his mouth with a hanker-chief and standing up, "I'm disappointed in every one of you who belittled him because of his omega status. Especially you father, when you were supposed to stand up for him and support him, you did none of that. I hope Jeon Jungkook shows him what a true alpha is like," Jihyun grabbed Jimin's hand and together they walked out, his father's guilty eyes not going unnoticed by the omega.

It's The Connection We Can't Explain || JikookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ