Chapter 7

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Kazutora still felt like something was wrong. Ever since he came out of the bathroom, you were acting weirdly. A minute ago you joked like you used to before, but now you are avoiding making eye-contact with him again. The silence between you two never felt uncomfortable, but now it made Kazutora nervous. Were you acting like this because you want him to leave? You just don't want to say it out loud?

He frowned as he finished eating.

Of course.

You want him to leave.

You just don't want to be rude by telling him.

He knew that this day would end this way, but it didn't mean that it didn't hurt less. There was a tiny hope in him that he could spend the night here, but it was more of a "dream", than hope, really.

He wasn't mad at you. He was still a stranger to you, you didn't know him, as far as you knew he could be a rapist or a serial killer, so he wasn't angry that you don't trust him. He was amazed that you even asked for his help with the wardrobe. If you ask him, he would rather asked one of the neighbours than a homeless.

But no, you asked him. You were such a good hearted, genuine person, and you had no idea how happy you've made him feel. When the two of you first spoke to each other he felt like a normal person again, and not like some shitty thief, or a miserable ex-con, or a dirty homeless. He instantly felt affection towards you, and this day that feeling just grew stronger.

God, he didn't want to leave.

But he had to.

He didn't want to overstay his welcome, and he really felt like you wanted him to go, just didn't want to tell him.

And what happens after he leaves? Is he going to see you again? Or would you rather go somewhere else so you won't bump into him accidentally in the park? Maybe while he was in the shower you thought about how others going to react to the news that you've befriended a homeless.

Unbeknownst to him you were thinking about how this day would end too.

You really liked Kazutora, he was a very friendly, kind, helpful and funny guy. When you asked for help - well, short of - he didn't hesitate for a second about saying yes. And he didn't ask for anything for return, moreover, when you tried to offer him cash, he declined, and even called you his friend.

You two met only a day ago, and it amazed you how well you two got along. Like you two had known each other for years. You enjoyed spending every second with him, and you wished you could make him stay somehow.

Well, part of you.

He was still a stranger, a stranger man, who was so much bigger and stronger than you, and he could easily overpower you if he wanted something. But he could've easily done that by now, if he had any bad intentions. Your mind told you to say goodbye to him, but your heart wanted him to stay. This inner conflict is seriously tearing you apart.

As the bad thoughts clouded his mind again, Kazutora looked up at you. He saw as you were biting your nail with a worried expression on your face as you were staring at the table.

He felt as his chest constricted painfully, and he rubbed it.

"Uhm... I think my clothes are dry, I'm gonna go change." he said as he stood up.

"Okay." you gave him a small smile and you stood up too and started clearing the table.

Kazutora went to the bathroom and changed, and put your brother's clothes in the laundry basket. Then he went to his bag and put the rest of his clothes in it then he picked it up.

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