Sunset on the Sea.

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A/n: on multiple occasions, I have encountered spoiled apple sauce. Yes, it was moulded, no I didn't realize why it tasted like iron until it was too late. Yes.. I nearly threw up.

This chapter was partially sponsored by the "Fang Doesn't Trust Applesauce Anymore" Foundation, and by viewers like you.
Thank you :)


(Also this ended up shorter than usual, but I needed to give the little mans  (Y/n) some chill time. Don't worry, the next chapter will be long.)


Grabbing the moulded Napoleon fish that you had prized a few months ago, you cringed at the terrible smell it had. It had gone past multiple stages of decay and now was basically a blackened blob of horror. The other fish you had in the cooler had reached this same state, bringing a 'nice' aroma to the Marina.

In the tropical heat, you had opted to change out of your mechanic uniform in favor of an old crop top and some ancient boater shorts that barely fit anymore, as you didn't wanna get your normal clothes dirty. Speaking of which: at this point, the sheer amount of black matter that you had tossed into the ocean for the bottom feeders could probably dye a metric tonne of land in a nasty onyx. Luckily though, the Napoleon fish had been one of the last things to go. As you chucked the hefty cadaver off of the deck, you saw it sink lower and lower, banishing it from your life.

"Gross." You sneered in disgust, turning back to the Marina. In the process of getting rid of the fish, you had spread some of the goop onto the deck, so that's probably your second order of business. Groaning, you grabbed a mop from the closet near the bathroom, equipping a brown cleaning apron and some heavy duty rubber gloves. You put your hair back into a quick ponytail and started mopping the deck, which took way longer than expected on account of discovering a massive cluster of seagull shit on the back of the ship.

Once that was all said and done, you went inside for a quick break, checking the fridge to see if anything survived. Unfortunately, most of the perishables, well... perished. Tomatoes looked moulded, eggs were black, cheese was.. not. pleasant. You shuddered, grabbing all the shelves from the fridge to empty out into the sea. By doing this though, you discovered a small bottle of champagne you had forgotten about. Before you could inspect it though, you went back to the task at hand, because holding 3 shelves worth of spoiled goods was not good on the nose, or the stomach for that matter.

Bringing everything outside, you grabbed one of your mooring ropes and secured the debris covered shelves to the end of it. You cast the rope outwards, causing the shelves to splash into the water. You thought about how well the bottom feeders were gonna eat tonight in this specific area.

You made sure to slosh the shelves around real nice, shaking off any debris on them. In the water, you could see little shimmers, letting you know that some fish had manned up and started eating the detritus that was polluting the water. You chuckled a little bit to yourself, One man's trash was truly another mans treasure.

You hoisted the shelves back up, shaking them out a bit before carrying them back inside, placing them back on their respective levels. Once that was done, you looked around, seeing the cabin was as cozy as ever. Your bed was just how you left it; books strewn across it, covers left open and inviting, a giant... orange.. feather on the shelf above it...

Ok that one wasn't staying.

Without a word, you picked the feather up, walked outside, and threw it like a dart into the ocean. It basically nosedived into the water, sinking surprisingly.

"Good Riddance, you asshat." You huffed, turning back to the cabin to restock the fridge. Once you got back inside, you put the slightly melted readymade meal kits into the freezer, placing them similar to a jenga tower with how many Jet had given you. Next were the fruits, of which there was a plentiful variety. Mostly basic things; pears, grapes, oranges, all that good stuff.

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