Chapter 2: New toy

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It been already 5 days since Killua has found the angel and now since they had obtained an angel. Things were about to change drastically in the kingdom.

Killua had a satisfied smile on his lips as he held the angel in his arms. He felt like he had just won the greatest trophy in the world, but he did felt like it was boring for the angel to not speak to him the entire ride back home.

He just sat in front of killua, not even giving him a glance towards him he just sat there like if he was lifeless. Well killua did indeed killed his entire race and not one survived expect him.

"Hey. Why won't you speak" the boy just sat there looking down he didn't even want to look my way. Was I that intimidating to him. I tried speaking to him again but got the exact same thing. Silence.

"If you don't speak in the next five seconds I will rip your wings off" I said this more aggressively hoping that he would be frightened by the thought of losing his wings and to his surprised it worked.

The boy began to shake with fear his whole boy shivered to the point where is wings tucked themselves even more than before.

"y-yes...." he didn't speak as much but he did speak when he was told to. This was a very good sign to killua. This ment one step closer to having him completely under my control.

"How long till we make it back to home land!?" I said speaking loudly to one of my soldiers and so they spoke.

"Actually your majesty we just have arrived!" They said speaking back. I go to look forward and see the kingdom that laid ahead of us. I smile happy to have made it back home.

Right when we made it to the gates I felt a rather hurtful punch in the stomach and to see it was the boy. He had physically punched me in the stomach to where I was shocked. This is the first to anyone who has ever laid their hands on me except for Illumi, grandfather Zeno, and father.

But beside all that where did this boy gain this strength from?! Before I knew it I was sent flying back and slamming into the soldiers that were all behind me. This angel had thought this throught and thought very well.

But even tho I was amazed by his actions, I hadn't realized that his interior motive was to escape from me. He had already begun to fly away very quickly. Oh how this was exciting for me alright.

So I decided I would play around with him a bit. Standing up and dusting myself off and looked to where he was headed and so I warmed myself up and then there I was flying in the air.

I had already reached up to the boy and flew next to him. "Did you really believe that you would escape from me that easily?" When I spoke to him the boy was shocked and flew back looking at me.

And now that I look at him well he rather had such a small frail body but I wasn't complaining. I much rather liked the way how he looked, it made me just want this boy more.

"H-How did you catch up to me so quickly???" My heart was struck when I actually heard his voice much louder. His voice just made my body tingle in a way.

Why do I exactly feel like this towards him and only him. Even so as I was lost in thought something very unexpected happened. The boy had pulled something out of his chest and when I mean he pulled something out of his chest I mean he pulled out a LITERAL WEAPON.

Where in the world does he store that long Weapon. He was exactly carrying a Spear and look more like a holy weapon that I haven't seen before.

"Listen I don't know how you did that but I would suggest you put that down or you will get hurt" I tried to make things a bit easier so that I wouldn't have to fight this kid.

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