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You didn't know if your heart sank or jumped at the news.

This couldn't be true - could it?

Your mind couldn't comprehend the situation you were in. Were you just about to spend a whole night sleeping next to Rafe?

"I mean - I wouldn't mind sharing," Rafe said scratching his head. "If you're comfortable with it of course."

"Yeah, I don't really mind either." You found it hard to fall asleep next to him on the plane. How the hell were you supposed to fall asleep on the same bed as him?

Rafe placed his luggage onto the floor, and laid down on the bed completely relaxing himself. "I'm so jet lagged," he said nearly groaning.

"I can tell," you joked at him.

"Y/N, how are you not tired?"

"I spent most of my time sleeping on the plane," you reminded him, which you also wished that you didn't.

"Makes sense," he replied.

After a few minutes of settling in, you took a shower and did your usual routine. Your mind was constantly buzzing with thoughts, still not processing the fact that you were going to sleep next to him. Were you going to say anything to him? Were you even going to talk?

Once it was Rafe's turn to shower, you laid there on the bed, going through your phone and anything else that could distract you from your thoughts. Just the idea of Rafe being in that shower on the other side of the door across from you... definitely had an effect. You started to blush just by thinking about it. The water trickling down his body, his wet hair - no. You couldn't fall for him more than you already did. This was about the treasure, not Rafe.

After a while of pushing your thoughts away, Rafe finally came out of the shower. Your heartbeat immediately increased as you glanced at him, he was in his pyjamas that either way he still looked very attractive in.

Rafe slowly made his way to the bed. You couldn't deny that there was awkward tension between you two, and you didn't know whether you should say anything to break the tension, or just keep quite. He made his way under the covers, and went on his phone just like you did.

Even though you weren't directly looking at him, every move he made could be sensed from the corner of your eye. Although there was a  gap between you two, you could feel the slightest warmth of the body heat surrounding one side of your body.

You decided to put your phone and away and turn on your side facing away from Rafe. You put the covers nearer your face so he wouldn't see you blushing, and turned of the lamp on your nightstand.

"Tired already?" You could hear Rafe say.

"Yeah," You yawned, adjusting more in your bed. You could hear Rafe move in the covers, guessing that he was going to sleep as as well.

"Goodnight," he said.

"Good night,"

You closed your eyes, and within a few minutes you drifted away.

After a whole night of turning in the sheets and slurred words that barely tumbled through your mouth, your eyes squinted through the streaks of sunlight squeezing past the curtains. You hugged whatever was closest to you even tighter and continued to sleep - but something didn't feel right.

Warmth now surrounded your whole body, and  what was wrapped around your waist shifted to hold you even tighter. Your memories started to string together what happened last night, falling asleep next to Rafe. Was it Rafe who was next to you right now?

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