I walked to my seat sitting aaliyah down next to me. "Wan juice" she pointed.

I grabbed her little bag pulling out her cup giving
it to her. I pulled her chair closer and she leaned on my shoulder grabbing my hand.

I watched her play with my fingers until somebody sat in my lap getting my attention. "Hi baby" jamila said smiling at me.

I nodded my head and she bit her lip. "You smell good" she mumbled stuffing her face in my neck.

Aaliyah whined pushing her. "Stop it weirdo" jamila said hitting aaliyah hand and she started crying.

I rolled my eyes pushing jamila out my lap making her fall to the ground. "don't hit her" I mumbled putting aaliyah in my lap.

"H-Hurt" she showed me her hand. I rubbed her hand and she sniffed "kissies" she said lowly rubbing her eye.

I kissed her hand then laid her head on my shoulder. "Bey-"Shut up" I cut jamila off.

I made the come here gesture with my finger and she stood up slowly walking in front of me.

I looked up at her then roughly grabbed her throat making her come down to my level.

"stop disrespecting her" I said lowly. "i'm sorry daddy" she whispered with fear filled eyes.

I ain't even hit her ass yet.

"out my face" I mumbled letting her go. "are you mad at me ?" she asked lowly.

I nodded and she looked down walking away. I sighed through my nose.

"you ok ?" I asked looking down at aaliyah. She nodded grabbing my hand again and I just sat there waiting for class to start.

While waiting I started to think about onika and all the girls I talk to bringing my mood down.

I shouldn't never listened to sasha. I don't want none of these girls.

I just want onika.

Onika pov:

I sat on the floor throwing up my guts in the toilet. I held on to my stomach while I continued until I was done.

When I was done I spit one more time before flushing the toilet and standing up. I walked over to the sink brushing my teeth.

"Onika !" I heard meek call out weakly. I sighed spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing my mouth then I walked out the restroom.

"Yes baby ?" I asked walking up to him. He looked over at me with a pained expression.

"i don't think they should've let you out the hospital" I mumbled rubbing his cheek.

"i'm fine" he mumbled. "You got shot four times rihmeek, if that women wouldn't have found you you would be dead right now"

"But i'm not, so let's just be happy for that" he said making me sigh.

"Do you need something ?" I asked. "just some love" he mumbled.

I smiled leaning down kissing his lips slowly. "i'm gonna go get your medicine ok ?" I said softly.

He nodded and I kissed his cheek a few times before lifting up. I walked in the restroom getting his pills then walked back in the room.

I gave him the pills then my phone started ringing. I looked down seeing nafessa was calling me.

"Hello ?"

"Hey onika i'm sorry to bother you but do you still have that extra key to my house ?"

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