date night?!

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i break eye contact "we're you just about to kiss me slater" i laugh and push his chest away "what no" he tried to hide his blush cheeks "i feel like you were" i keep walking "i wasn't why would i want to kiss you" he walks next to me "harsh god damn" i look at him "i didn't mean that to be rude or anything it's just-" he was trying to explain himself "what it's just what" i asked looking up to him "well your a camper and i'm a councilor also i have a girlfriend" he looks back at me "oh yeah the girlfriend you don't like anymore?!" i laughed and hit his shoulder against mine "your funny" he said jokingly "i know" we laughed together and looked each other in the eyes "you have really pretty eyes" he said to me making me blush "oh so now your completing my eyes?" i laughed looking at him "i'm serious y/n" he looked at me annoyed "i know i'm joking thank you" i smiled just softly "we should hangout in my cabin later" he grabbed my hand "what just to hook up?" i said jokingly "now your making it weird" he got mad a me and tried to hide his smile "i'm joking what time and i'll be there" i stopped laughing and looked at him letting go of his hand "8?" i thought before saying that "got it" i kept walking "are you gonna tell cindy?" i asked "hell no" he looked at me really confused "so your just gonna cheat on her?" i look back confused "y/n we're not dating so it shouldn't matter? why do you even care" he looked at me "well i don't know" i looked at me feet "i guess i don't really care" i look back at him "okay?" he was confused at me "what?" i asked "nothing, nothing at all" he said back "do you smoke?" i asked out of no where "no" he said back "oh your tooooo perfect for that" i teased him "no i would actually get killed if i smoked" he looked back at me "welll were at camp and your moms not here ANDDDD i have some weed i'll bring it tonight" i said looking him right in the eyes "i mean i guess your right" he laughed "exactly it will be fun" i said back "yeah getting high sound so fun" he said very sarcastically "don't be a dick" i rolled my eyes "wait is that my sister and kurt?!" i squinted my eyes at a far tree "holy shit" tommy said "JESS" i yelled. i saw her look at us and stop kissing kurt. i ran to her tommy came running behind me "that the hell are you doing?!" i yelled at jess "it's not what it looks like" kurt was nervous "we were just kissing we weren't fucking or anything" jess said looking at me an tommy "what the fuck are you guys doing" kurt asked tommy "hanging out?" tommy said back confused "she's a camper you dumbass" kurt said back "it's camper and councilor hangout day you dumbass maybe you would have known if you weren't almost fucking my sister?" i got close to him and yelled "we weren't fucking your little shit" kurt was mad at me "hey don't talk to her like that" tommy yelled at kurt "what you fucking her too?!" kurt asked tommy "really kurt?! shut the fuck up she's my sister you ass whole" jess yelled at kurt and smack him across his face, she grabbed my arm and walked away with me "why kurt?!" i asked jess "he's hot why not" she laughed "ew no just no" i said back "oh shut up" she pushed my arm "so you and tommy?!" she asked me "what the hell no" i said totally lying "your lying y/n i'm your sister we tell each other everything" she rolled her eyes "you didn't tell me about you and kurt fucking soooo" i rolled my eyes back at her "first of all we're not fucking and that started today" she looked at me "oh really?" i said with a annoyed face "no" she said quitly back "exactly" i laughed "well i haven't seen you the whole camp so how am i even supposed to tell you" she rolled her eyes "whatever" i rolled my eyes again "so there is something between you and tommy?" she smirked at me "if i tell you you have to swear to tell no one" i look at her "yeah of course y/n" she said back "okay fine, yes there is we almost kissed today and we're supposed to hangout in his cabin and get high at 8 so" i said really fast and quietly "get high together?! you guys are gonna end up hooking up" she said back "what?! no" i yelled back "your gonna lose your virginity omggggg" she said exited "ok first of all i already have lost it to the weirdo Mathew last year and WERE NOT GONNA FUCK" i yelled back "oh yeah forget about him" she said back "okay we'll im gonna go smoke with alice because i promised so cya later tell me how that date goes" she smirked and winked at me and walked away "bye" i yelled back and went back to my cabin

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