The last day

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It was the year of 1995 and it was the last day of school. Everyone's so excited to get out for the holidays and go the Brooke Melvins house for a big party after school.

Brooke Melvin is the most popular girl in school. She treats everyone as if she's the queen and we're her slaves. Her 'boyfriend' is Jason Whiller. He's quarterback of the schools Football team...(like it always is in the movies) and her two 'besties' are Shelby and tiffany. 😒

So as I was saying it the last day of school and everyone's eager to get out and bla bla bla

"So did you get the invitation??" Britney comes running and screaming across the hallway. wow was that really the first thing she said this morning?! Not even a hey?! "Hey whoa calm down lady" I say giving her the relax sign " and no I didn't... remember what happened in 4th grade?" I exclaim.

in fourth grade we were playing baseball and when it was my turn to hit, I accidentally hit the ball in her face. ever since then she's hated me.

"oooo right, well sorry but I did!!!!" She sounded like she's never gotten invited to a party before... which she hasn't so that was a really big news for her.

We then head off to class and we both have the same lunch time, nothing else :(

History's my worst class and of course it had to be the first class . it's an even more:(

Lunch was finally here and suddenly, the most two, most handsomest, most cutest, most nicest guys come walking to are table, Jake and Josh. Wow I know a lot of people that begin with a j?!

"Britney, act cool. don't make a fool out your self." "Heyy" thy say at the same time. I gave Brittany the OMG look. "so you guys going to the party later?" The one I have a crush on asks. "weelllll" "ya obviously!" She cut me off😒 "great well pick you up at 7?" (Cause the party doesn't start till 7:15) "sure!" They get up and leave to go sit w/ guys on the football team.

"OMG I can't believe that just happened but why did u say that! You know I can't come right?!!!" "Ya I know I'll sneak you in" "ok if you say so"

We spend the rest of are lunch blabbering about what we're gonna wear and everything.

When I get home, I quickly run up to my room to find the perfect dress and all that stuff. an hour has past and is now 6... I've gotten my clothes picked out so now I'm gonna order the pizza. (you always need pizza befor u go to a party because pizza is the one and only true love you'll ever meet) ok maybe that doesn't make sense but whatever.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter... keep reading cuz the next chapter things are about to get real

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