Chapter 2

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Authors Note Thingy:

To be completely honest I kinda forgot about this story.


So yeah uh sorry?

I suck at updating anyways.

Awh whale.

Dedicated to @ibitebullets on IG. I love this girl to pieces!

Ok I'll shut up now

On with the crapter!


I groan, window shopping with a ginormous pitbull that scares the living crap out of people isn't exactly the most fun thing to do.

And I have no clue how I'm supposed to shop.

I've been rejected entrance to the four shops I've tried, their excuse being the 'No Animals Allowed' protocol, even though those prissy girls with their purse dogs are welcome in at any time.

One of the women passing by suggested I tie Maggie up to the lamppost located next to the store, so I may enter.

Two words.

Hella nah.

Sure she's a big dog, equipped with sharp claws and hardy teeth that could kill a man, but still. It's LA, a town full of spray tan bimbos (even though it's sunny all year round here), Michael Jackson wanna be's, tourists who will take photos of anything and everything (including Maggie, which could frighten her and make her go into attack mode, maul three people and then be taken away by the government and put to rest, with the grief I wouldn't be able to bear), and sickos who are do stealthy they could get away with subtly tranquilizing a pitbull and running off with it.

In conclusion, I'd rather go home with no new clothes than leave my Maggie- boo alone, even if just for a second.

After ten more minutes of searching, I stumble upon a sort of, well, random stuff shop, that had an 'Animals Welcome' sign plastered on the door. By that, they probably didn't mean an animal like Maggie, but hey, I'll take what I can get.

Opening the door and peering inside, I take a half step forward, Maggie being reluctant, causing me to tug a bit too sharply on he leash. She follows me inside the place, the door bell thingy jingling, alerting the shopkeeper of entering customers.

Looking up I see a girl clearly of Native American decent behind the counter that can't possibly be older than 16. She has long, flowing trendils running down her clothed back. They're a color that one can't possibly decide if it's black, or simply just a dark brown.

She looks up from her spot behind the cash register, body sat upon a stool with a patchwork cushion, the counter space holding a new teen magazine, which she must've been reading.

"Anything I can help you with?" she asks politely, starting to get up, figuring I'd never be able to find something I was looking for in the mountains of random objects. She stepped in long strides, her dark peach colored tank top and flowing skirt that came around her mid leg making her look even more graceful.

Stopping before me, she looked down, seeing Maggie, her eyes widening, not with fright, but with joy.

"Puppy!" she squealed happily, dropping to her naturally tanned knees and cooing at Maggie, who looked at the young teen as if she was psycho and hid behind my legs, whimpering the slightest bit.

Yeah, you know that urban legend about pit bulls always being aggressive and courageous. Well, that's really just an urban myth.

Because a teenage girl cooing at her, made her into a whimpering, shaking mess that hid behind my legs like a frightened child.

Another point to society! (note the sarcasm)


Yeah I'm really tired and am sick so no rant today.

I'm gonna go sleep...

Please share this story and comment your thoughts and I'll love you forever!



You need to get your memory checked if you don't remember what that is.

March 15, 2013 💙

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 15, 2013 ⏰

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