Chapter 3

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(3rd person POV)

Everyone was confused and scared. Lucy had run away, Yin was frozen in fear whilst Lucas was trying his best to keep his composure. Meanwhile Esdeath caught wind of some dragon appearing in Y/N's school. Esdeath would respond instantly and rally a few soldiers with her. Y/N was confused he never saw his mother use her powers before meaning he never knew that he would inherit said powers. Soon the dragon roared and Esdeath appeared.

(Esdeath's POV)

I entered Y/N's school and saw a interesting sight of my son, a boy with black hair, a boy with purple hair, and a dragon made of ice.

I entered Y/N's school and saw a interesting sight of my son, a boy with black hair, a boy with purple hair, and a dragon made of ice

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[Adopted] "Snowflake~" Yandere Esdeath x Male!Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now