Nala Ageir

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Name : Nala Ageir 

Parents : Dela and Ageir 

Birth Place : Asgard 

Powers: Goddess of water and healing/ health. Can heal wounds in seconds and gold whisps spcome from her hands. Can turn water to ice ext and basically super powerful. Immortal. Can't be killed a water like bubble ( force field ) protects her without her will.

Pree Avengers : Wealthy family, Her mother was a healer and father a god. Mother best friends with Frigga yet she never knew the princes.

                                   At the age of two their family was hunted down in Asgard and Odin promised           them safety on earth to protect the Asgardians.

                                   This was an empty promise, once on earth hydra attacks and kills parents and takes nala for her powers. They torture her and try to get her to work for them. On her second day she meets Bucky who - behind bars - raises her and protects her as his own. She calls him Winter and he called her doll.

                                   Hydra uses their relationship to their advantage - making sure neither gets killed. At age 18 Nala wants to break out but is caught and hydra had been planning something for a while. She'd gotten too powerful and hydra couldn't kill her so they made a machine to un age her.

                                  Kinda like a helmet on her head that will make her turn back to a child then fetus ext which they can kill. It doesn't work and when she's set back to age 10 she retaliates and breaks free and kills everyone ( except Bucky ) and they go to escape but someone from another hydra base comes and takes Bucky and he tells her to go and be free and he'll find her one day.

                                 She runs and goes to a caffe where a woman kindly gives her free food for a week . She notices someone in the caffe one evening that's looking at her. There's a robbery and shots are fired and the man that was staring got shot. She heals him and he's amazed and so thankful that she saved his life. 

                                 Turns out she saved Nick Fury and he's amazed and so thankful that she saved his life. He takes her to shield when he re raises her and trains her.

Avengers: No one knows of her powers other than nick and hill and phill so the rest of the team are wary when a 18 year old looking girl is randomly on the team. 

She's insanely smart and helps locate the tesseract and fights and takes on more by herself than the whole team can put together. She saved Tony when he falls.

(Shortest movie section) 

Captain America The Winter soldier: No one knows of her past or healing powers.

Nick sends Nala with Steve and they basically do the beginning of the movie together and with Nat. When Nick is dying she is furious because she knows she could heal him . She knows that rummalow is working for hydra wand behind doors threatens him.

When Her Nat and Steve find Zola and he reveals her date of birth she shakes it off as a joke but the others are suspicious.

She knows the winter soldier  is Bucky but doesn't know Steve knows him. After recruiting Sam and Nat gets shot she comes face to fact with him. They fight and she begs him to remember her. He doesn't. When the go to evacuate all snails agents she fights and meets Bucky again. They fight again but he still doesn't remember and then she calls him winter and something changes in his eyes but then Steve comes and they start fighting again and then she goes to help not because she doesn't want Steve to know about her background.

She goes into the room and Nat and Nick are there with Piers and he says isn't it good to see you again Miss darkness( what she was known as ) she kills Piers and everything is happy but Nat and Steve can't lay down that something isn't right. She helps him try to locate Bucky.

Age Of Ultron: In the opening scene she has an encounter with Pietro (but pretty pretty please re-cast him because I don't think he's hot but I love his character) and exchange snarky remarks that are kind of flirty.

The rest of the film goes pretty normally they fight Ultron Wanda doesn't get inside of her head because she fights her off because she's stronger and then when they're fighting Ultron at the end of the film Steve and Tony send her away from all of the chaos because they don't want to get to her because they see her it's like a daughter kind of thing cos she looks young ig.

Plot twist it's not in the films Ultron has loads of guns and ships and they're all about to get shot when they're all standing in like the archway thing and they all pretty much about to die because they're all worn out and injured and obviously Nana steps in and put a protective barrier around them with her water powers she heals Pierto which gets shocked and surprised look from Thor because he recognises it and she steps through the water barrier and they go bang on the walls but they can't get through it.

She takes on all of the ships and everything and destroys them all and kills all the robots but one grabs her by the throat and she looks like she's dying but Thors hammer swings through the barrier and goes into her hands because she's worthy and yeah she uses the hammer and then she kills all of the robots.

Will you avengers are shocked and stories very curious and once everything is sorted like there's a final scene where they're all sitting down and they're all interrogating her and she basically tells them all her past and who she is. But not in a way where she's like crying because she's like a machine type woman doesn't show her emotions very sarcastic likes witty remarks. 

Gets close with Thor - just bc I love him.

After Age Of Ultron: She gets very close to Pietro and yeah they have a lot of conversations dates can you could say and they're kind of dating

Captain America Civil War: Nala and Pietro weren't in Nigeria When Wanda accidentally killed all those people but they still both don't want to sign the accords and side with cap but not for those reasons once they find Bucky they're on his side and when Steve and Sam are questioning Bucky when he's back to normal Nala is obviously there and that's an emotional scene and he calls her doll and she calls him winter and it's like parent and daughter are back together I guess.

They fight in the airport and Steve and Bucky and Nala escape and basically the rest of the film is how it is but with Nala included and She goes to a wakanda with Steve and Bucky and she thanks to T'Challa  and they kind of become friends.

After Captain America Civil War: They all go on the run. Steve Sam Nat Wanda Vision Nala and Pietro are all hiding together and you can kind of make your own comedic kind of thing with that and yeah they stay together and you can write about that. But after a while they agree to go their separate ways and Nala and Pietro go by their self and Wanda and Vision go by their self and Steve Nat and Sam stick together.

You can write about Nala and Pietro's time together whilst on the run.

Infinity war: Because they're on the run by themselves they join wakanda later ( Thor like entrance ) Bla bla. Pietro and Bucky die.

Endgame: She's depressed suicidal as all her loved ones are dead- but she can't die. Steve comes to find her when they figure out time travel and give her hope.

Goes back with Thor to Asgard. Sees Frigga and has a moment. Gets stone.

Snaps instead of Tony cos she can't die but they forget it and get all upset but then she's like - I can't die and whooopie.

Cap doesn't go back and Tony's alive. And Nala saw Morgan every week ( pepper wanted to help with the depression ) and yh.



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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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