"I can see the Alpha's House!" Lucifer suddenly exclaimed and I shot up in my seat, leaning forward so my head rested between the two seats in the front. Lucifer was giddy and I could feel euphoria radiating off of him in waves. Makri seemed equally as happy when she squealed and clapped her hands excitedly. The car sped passed the road signs and never once did I lose sight of the small string of smoke that emitted form the Alpha House's chimney and climbed into the sky like a blooming rose. The sea was to our right and glistened in the midday sunlight while the green hills and scarce trees were a blur to our left. My wolf, though still melancholy and slightly depressed because of our pup, seemed happy to be back in the territory and howled happily. Lucifer's wolf joined in and I laughed exhilarated as the car flew along the last stretch of road before we entered our village. I saw wolves look up in confusion and some got ready to attack us as soon as the car came to a halt in front of the Alpha House. I threw the door open and heard Lucifer and Makri do the same. The first one who moved was Luke, who had just left the House when we'd pulled up. He let out a strangled cry of joy and ran to hug me so fiercely we fell to the ground. He continued to ramble, broken bits of sentences reached me and I laughed again. I couldn't believe I was back and in Lukey's arms. When we got back up I saw Lucifer embracing Kilyan and looked around for my parents. Makri was welcomed by some Meli fairies that had arrived in our absence and many wolves came up to me to welcome me back but none of them were the ones I most wanted to see. 

Mum? I asked through our mind-link, but there was no answer. I started to panic slightly and Lucifer must've noticed because he was by my side immediately and asked what was wrong.

"My parents... I don't see them and my mum isn't answering." Panic flooded my mind and was audible in my voice. When I finally heard my name called by two very familiar voices, I almost fell to my knees. My mum and dad ran to me and dropped kisses all over my face. I felt their tears mix with my own but I couldn't have cared less. I didn't know how long I had been gone for but it seemed like forever and I had missed them dearly. 

"Eddie darling, we missed you so much." My mum managed to say through her sobs and my dad just kept quiet, kissing my hair repeatedly and hugging both me and my mum close to him. 

"Eden!" I heard another male voice ring out.

"Uncle Andrew! Aunt Norah!" My father's brother and his wife joined into our hug and soon Kilyan joined his parents as well. I was crying with happiness but at the same time, I still couldn't forget my pup.


"You were gone for a whole month!" Alanna exclaimed as we sat in the Alpha's office, recounting what had happened to us. Alpha Andrew and my father had left a while ago for a pack meeting together with my mother, Kilyan and Lucifer. They had to discuss the size of the Sprite Camp and plan ahead. I hadn't told them about the Pecudis yet, I didn't know how to. If I told them the High Wolf Council would assume they would follow them, but Baldwin had made it very clear that they would only follow me. Which was another frightening aspect; I couldn't lead a whole fairy Hive into a fight!

"We're so glad you're back and okay." Amber and Krystal smiled and hugged me for what felt like the 100th time. I winced slightly when they clung to my arm but they didn't question it. That was another thing I hadn't told anyone about. They had just assumed it was a normal battle wound from my escape and I wasn't about to contradict them. We hadn't told them about Gia either. The pack only knew the things it needed to know and talking about the fairy girl brought too much pain- even thinking about it I froze up and suddenly it happened all over again. I saw Alanna, Amber, Krystal and Luke talking to me but their words were jumbled and I struggled to breathe. I saw their panicked faces  and felt my breathing pick up. I pulled my knees towards my body as I saw Krystal run out of the room. The next few minutes were filled with my friends' worried faces and empty words. I heard the blood rushing in my ears and my wolf was in distress; she was twisting and turning and howling and I couldn't stand it. I screamed. Almost immediately the door was ripped open and I would later see that it was actually lifted out of its hinges but at the time I was too focused on the person that burst through. Lucifer's eyes zeroed in on me immediately and he rushed over to me. I opened my arms and felt his strong arms take me in and tears fell down my cheeks. The next few minutes have been erased from my memory, I don't remember crying and screaming and clinging to Lucifer as if my life depended on it. The others stood on confused at my sudden display of distress. My parents and the Alpha, Luna and Kilyan had rushed in shortly after Lucifer and my parents told me later that they had never felt so helpless as in that moment. When I finally calmed down my face was buried in Lucifer's neck and we were both breathing hard. I breathed in deeply and his lemony scent calmed me down immediately. He shifted so I was on his lap, curled into him but when I looked up everyone was gathered around us and I swallowed hard. 

"Eden honey, what-" My mum started, her voice teary. "What is it?" I opened my mouth to talk but no words came out. Lucifer rubbed my back and pulled my head back down onto his chest as he explained the situation. I heard gasps when he mentioned us being mates but outcries (mostly my parents') when he told them about Gia. 

"My baby." I whimpered, immediately feeling pathetic but Lucifer shushed me and bent down, pressing a kiss to my hair. 

"It's alright, fairy. I'm right here." He whispered and I heard the others leave the room. 

When I had finally calmed down, we left the Alpha's office to find my family sitting in the living room. They had sent my friends home, but I knew that as soon as I left the house they would want to find me. 

"Darling." My mother sobbed and hugged me immediately. It took everything in me not to break down crying again. I could feel my wolf pacing nervously but Lucifer had managed to calm us down a lot. 

"It's okay- I'm okay." I tried a grin but I think it came off rather forced and comical because she let lose a sad laugh and pulled me back into her. My aunt, the Luna joined our hug and I felt Lucifer join my father, the Alpha and Kilyan. I heard their deep voices in the background but focused on my mother's warmth and my aunt's calming aura. I was going to get my baby back and if it was the last thing I did.

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