Prologue - The Origins

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mordecai stood, tears staining his cheeks as he stared at the moon, remembering a memory so painful, just imagining a second of it felt like a million paper cuts to his heart.

* flashback *

"my love, even though the possibility of us being together is uncertain, I am truly certain of the fact that i love you and that you love me. I am even more certain that the moon in the night sky is the same moon no matter where we look at it from, " twilight said sadly, tears sliding down her already dampened cheekbones, " i will look up at that moon every night, knowing that even if we are apart, we still share that view of the moon, my only wish is that you do too. "

* end flashback *

" I will my love, I will," mordecai croaked out, his voice, like his eyes, tearful.

Hundreds kilometers away, twilight sparkle stood at the edge of her balcony, staring up at the moon whilst kissing a locket on her necklace.

" I miss you my love," she whispered opening the locket, caressing a picture of mordecai.

She slowly started to sing their favourite song, unknowing that mordecai was sing with her thousands of kilometers away

"can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars, I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now."

-to be continued-

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If you have any questions or constructive criticism so far, please feel free to pm or comment them here!

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(edited once bc I messed up a bit)

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