Bubble Gum Drama Queen

Start from the beginning

"So, H, why do you call Louis 'Daddy'?" Niall wonders after a few quiet moments. Louis' cheeks burn red, because they hardly talk about Louis and Harry's sexual preferences. Sure, they all talk about their sex lives, but they rarely talk about the fact that Louis and Harry practice a light degree of BDSM, thanks to Harry.

"Because I like to," Harry answers with a small smile on his face and his head held high, "especially when he grows out his facial hair a bit."

"Harry," Louis quietly says, trying to get him to stop. Harry simply giggles, then kisses Louis' cheek.

"Mate, does Harry annoy you sometimes?" Liam asks.

"When did this become a Q and A about our relationship?" Louis asks.

"We're just friends having a conversation," Zayn chuckles.

"Well in that case, yeah. Harry annoys the shit out of me on a daily basis," Louis sassily answers. "You'd think with this whole thing that I'd be in control, but as it turns out, Harry's got me so far up his ass that I can almost see the light at the other end." Everyone bursts out laughing at this, but all Louis gives is a small chuckle. Even Harry laughs, probably because he likes to hear that he calls the shots--even though at the end of the day, it is Louis who is in charge.


Harry, as always, is nothing but nice when they get back to the arena. He talks to crew members, jokes around with his band mates, and he chats away with Lou while she does his hair.

The boys have just finished going through their vocal warm-ups, and they are now waiting for the go-ahead to go on stage.

"Ugh, it's cold. I want my flannel," Harry grumbles.

"Better hurry," Louis says.

"Can you get it for me?" Harry asks, adding a slight pout to his lips for extra effect. Louis looks back towards the dressing rooms, then back at Harry. He suddenly remembers that he is the Dom in the relationship for a reason, not Harry.

"You can get it, you're a big boy," Louis says, almost patronizingly. Harry tilts his head and keeps staring at Louis, because he really doesn't want to get his own flannel. "Harry, go." Louis' change in tone makes Harry fix his posture, and he finally goes to his dressing room.


With music blaring, lights flashing, and fans screaming, One Direction kisses and waves goodnight to yet another crowd.

"I'm thirsty," Harry says to no one in particular, then wanders to a cooler to grab a water bottle. He sits next to Niall on a black leather couch, and Liam and Zayn congregate around them.

"Hi, bubba. Do you need anything?" Louis asks Harry. He stands behind Harry and mindlessly runs his fingers through his curls while he waits for an answer.

"I'm okay, thank you," Harry sweetly says, then gets up to get Louis a water bottle.

"Thank you," Louis smiles. As he listens to the boys' conversation, he notices a coin-sized hole at the seam of Harry's flannel. Louis playfully sticks his finger in the hole and tickles Harry's shoulder. Harry immediately jolts, and he whips his head back to Louis.

"What was that?" He quickly asks.

"You have a hole in your top," Louis says, touching Harry's shoulder through the hole once more. Harry's hand flies back and feels around his shoulder. Louis watches as his searching fingers find the hole, then inspect it for a few seconds.

"Nooo," Harry whines; he already sounds like he is on the verge of tears.

"It's just a little hole, Harry. We can sew-"

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