Chapter 2

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Everything began flooding my mind. Memories. So many memories.


She is supposed to be dead



I'm...on Earth?

Lord brainwashed me



This is so wrong...


"Alan, what's wrong?" Annabeth asked panicked 

Kill Her

I hear Sidius screaming into my mind




"AGGHHH" I clutched my head in pain

Annabeth began crying again. 


I sense fear


not towards me 


It hurts

I felt like passing out but Annabeth was with me. My little sister. I still need to protect her.


Protect her

Using one hand, I took off my gloves and touched her head "It'll be alright Annabeth, believe in..."

I cut myself off.

We are no longer part of the known Galaxy.

"I'm okay Annabeth, don't cry" 

I tried to tell her in the softest voice possible but it ended up becoming a low growl. 

Luckily she didn't seem to notice and nodded as she wiped the tears on her eyes

"Let's go home Annabeth," I told her as I scooped her up. 

She hugged tightly onto my neck as we walked out of the dark alley. Luckily, it was midnight and no one questioned the armor and robes I was wearing. They must've thought it was a costume or something. 

"No home" Annabeth cried out

Then I realized my mistake


Our Stepdad

The bastard

I froze in the middle of the road but continued walking home. Annabeth's grip becomes tighter. She was scared. 

I had her wear my helmet that was bigger than her head. She was a little happy to receive the present. It managed to distract her a little from the thought of returning home. 

I looked at her for a second before using the force to put her to sleep. 

I managed to make my way back home with Annabeth in my arms. I would love to torture the bastard but there are too many eyes and ears. It's too risky. 

I rang the doorbell.

A while later, I heard cursing and a glass bottle smashed. 

"What do you bas-" He shouted before I lifted him up by the neck using the force and threw him back into the living room. 

It was a mess. The smell of Alcohol, Drugs, and Smoke is strong in the kitchen. 

I would take great pleasure in killing him personally but I would be questioned by the cops and a bunch of trouble will come soon after. I can handle the troubles that come but Annabeth can't. 

I beat the absolute shit out of him before force healing him. Then, I messed with his mind. 

"You will commit suicide by getting rolled over by a truck" I whispered into his ear. 

"I will commit suicide by getting rolled over by a truck" He repeated with blank eyes

He smelled a lot like alcohol and drugs currently, getting hit by a truck would make it seem like a natural death, though I still made him drink a few bottles and take in more drugs before sending him off. 

I  didn't clean up in order to make it more believable when the cops arrive. And arrive they did. 

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