He came back

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Shibayama's POV:

I stare as Suna walks away. I look at my tall boyfriend after dropping the Cigar and stomping on it. "Look it's 2-3 in the morning so we are gonna talk about this in the morning." He grabs my hand and we started walking home.

We walk into my room and Kuguri falls asleep instantly. I then feel a wave of guilt hit me. That was fucking stupid of me. How could I let myself do that? I sit down on my fluffy black chair as I heard pebbles being thrown at my window. I get up and walk over. I see Suna and open the Window. "Suna? What are you doing here?" "Are you okay? How did it go?" "He fell asleep, he said we were gonna talk in the morning." "Oh... well uh, see you later?" "Mhm! For sure." Suna walks away as I shut my window. "I don't want you near Suna. He's a bad influence." I hear someone say. I turn to see Kuguri sitting straight up. "I did that on myself, he wasn't involved in any of it!" I sit down in my chair, not facing him. "I don't care, he still smokes and you might develop more bad habits from him!" He raised his voice a tad. Luckily mom and Yuri wasn't here.

"I told you, Suna didn't do anything!"
"Exactly, it's what he didn't do! Listen can we just sleep I don't wanna argue."
I calm down a bit with teary eyes and shaky breath. I nod and walk over and hug him. "I-I'm s-s-sorry!" I look up at him, while he looks down and kisses me. "No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you my love." We go over to the bed and lay down. ".... Cuddles?" Kuguri cuddles into me. 

Katsuki's pov:

     I walk up to Shibayama's house. I open the door and walk inside. "Heh. That was easy." I whispered. I make my way to his room. I creek it open a little bit. "Bingo." I took out my phone and texted him. I got a new number so he wouldn't know it was me.

???: Yo. Meet me outside.
Shibayama: Who is this?
???: just come out

I see him get up and put on a jacket. I hide behind a wall. As he walks out the door and shuts it I put my hand around his mouth, forbidding him to scream. "Mmmm! Lat ge offf mah!"

Translation: Let go of me!

I wet a clothe with a chemical and put it on his mouth. He passed out about 5 minutes later.

Shibayama's pov:

I wake up, tied to a chair.

"Shibayama ~" I notice who's voice this was. ... "Katsuki. What do you want?!" I said in anger. "You of course! What else?" He walks over to me and untied me. But I feel him taking my clothes off. He then-


2 hours later.

I look over. I'm untied, and he's asleep. This is my chance to escape! I quietly get up and get my clothes on. I rushed out the door. I knew my way around and he lived in Miyagi. I ran over to the closest house. I knock on it and oikawa-San answered. "Nekoma's first year? Why are you here and woah! Why are you crying?" I tell him everything as his eyes widened. "I'll kill him." He let me inside as I notice Kunimi, Kindaichi, And Iwaizumi there. "Nekoma'a first year? Why is he here and why is he balling his eyes out?" Tooru looks at me as I nodded. He brings the three to a corner and explains.

Kunimi's pov:

"He was raped by Katsuki." "What?! That bitch!" I then fall into darkness .

I wake up in my room, Kuguri trying to wake me up. I yawn and hug him. " I've been trying to wake you up for the past 2 hours." "Oh? Is that so?" "Had me worried for a bit there." He chuckles a bit. "But we still need to talk. Why did you do it?" I sigh. "Well. Because I was being an idiot, I don't know why I did it. It just- happened." He raises a brow. "Okay then, but no date night tonight." My eyes widen. "You can't do that!" "I can, and I will"

Later in the day.

3rd person:

Shibayama finally got kuguri to say yes to date night. They went to dinner and now they are walking around the park, hands intertwined. Shibayama's just looking around as his eyes land on a guy around Kuroo's height. His eyes widen and he hides behind Kuguri. "Babe? What's wrong?" The taller ask. "J-just keep walking... don't let that guys see me..." The shorter male points to him. "Who's that?" "M-my ex..." "oh, well then let's go." The taller grips the shortest hand as the look away and start walking. Meanwhile little did they know someone was watching.

And that is the end of this chapter! I hope you all enjoyed this and sense school started I might upload chapters late. Anygays have a good day.

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