"Here brother." He sat it down. Loki rolled his eyes at what he saw. He was just gonna have to tough it out without anything.
"You act like a teenager! Aren't you supposed to be thousands of years old?" Seeing that Loki wasn't going to answer Thor answered Steve's question.
"While that is true Captain of Americas, we are young gods. Loki is only 43 while I am 45." The humans exchanged looks of surprise and shock.
"That's not young!" Yelled Sam.
"Is 40 not young?" Loki shook his head in disbelief as he ate. 

"Thor, you are around 1,500 years old, so in human years you're 30 something. While I am 1,070 years old and 21 years old in human years. Your knowledge of anything is not to be taken seriously."

The stunned faces only got worse. Then questions were being thrown Loki's way. None of them were about why he was currently on earth.
"Can I finish eating before you interrogate me? Why would you guys even wait this long? What if I had been asleep?"
"Then we would have woken you up." Loki's eyes went wide when he heard his voice.
"I would like it if you stayed far away from me Dr.Banner. I say that in the nicest way possible." Bruce wasn't that offended but Tony was. "That's not nice Reindeer Games."
"Neither is that nickname. " And he went back to eating. He could feel some of his strength returning. After he finished eating he figured sleep would get him back to a full tank. With a wave of his hand a glass of wine appeared in his hand. Yes, he should be back to full strength in the morning.
"Thor, if you ever throw a bolt of lightning at me again I'll cut off your legs at the knee caps with Wade's katanas."
"Mother wouldn't approve."
"You attacked me. Mother wouldn't approve of that." Thor and the others recoiled. It was too true that they attacked first and they hadn't really thought too much into it.
"Are you finished yet, Loki?" Loki looked at the island table. There were only two containers left.
"Yes. Spartan was it?"He looked in Clint's direction and pointed at the two. "You can have those if you like. I'm not sure what's in them though." Clint tried hard not to look excited. He still held a lot of animosity toward the god. But it's food. And it was free. There was no way it was poisoned; they watched him eat and he never once touched them.
Clint moved toward the god and reached for the containers. Opening the first one he saw shawarma.
"I take it back. Give it to me! I haven't had shawarma in months! Deadpool only eats Mexican food." Steve and Natasha shared a look of concern. Loki had been here for months possibly longer and they didn't know. And he's been hanging out with Deadpool of all people. It was concerning to say the least.
"No dude. You said I could have it!"
"That was before I knew what it was! Man of Iron order me shawarma!" Tony sighed heavily. He was tired of the man's whining. Maybe they should have left him starving in the room.
"Check the other container, maybe there's more." Bruce patted his back in sympathy.  Indeed there was more in the other container. Loki was pleasantly surprised when he saw the big Levantine Arab dish.
"Bet I can finish mine first." Loki nodded, accepting Clint's challenge. Bruce surprisingly started the countdown. 
"One, two, three, GO." Loki dislocated his jaw and threw the whole thing in his mouth. It wasn't that bad of a sight to see despite how bad and disgusting it sounded. Thor rolled his eyes fondly at his adoptive brother's antics. Loki always did that when they would compete in food eating contests. But to the humans in the room it was not a normal thing. The two scientists looked on in curiosity. Clint looked pissed.
Loki swallowed the food in one go. He then looked smugly across the counter at Clint, who was just barely half way done.
"That's cheating."
"It's really not." Thor and Loki spoke at the same time.
"Are you done now?" Sam asked this time. Loki smiled and nodded.
"Great. What are you doing on earth?" Loki snapped his fingers to get rid of the mess he had made. "Redemption?" He spoke in a way that said 'is that not obvious'.
"How long have you been on earth?" This was Natasha's question.
"I think I got here a year after the Battle of New York. So 2013 may be '14. Not sure." Everyone's breath hitched. He's been here for 9 years and no one noticed.
"I thought you were dead. Why would you let me think such a thing?" Loki threw out his arms in emphasis the situation he was in.
"This right here is why. I didn't want to be locked up in a cage you dumbass. It does not help that you put me there, dear brother. With that being said, can I go home now?"
"No. You're staying right here till we know you won't hurt anyone."  Loki just stared blankly at Captain America. He looked as if he was brain dead. Then he rubbed his forehead as if he had a major headache.
"I'm sorry but you see how that makes no sense, right? I was just helping elderly across the street. And I've been helping Spider-man and Deadpool. I've even managed to become allies with Doctor Strange and Daredevil." He sighed before continuing. "I've been here for years without you knowing and now that you know I'm here I'm suddenly a criminal, a threat. If I had wanted a fight I would have killed you all those years ago."
It was silent for a few minutes. Everyone was processing the information they had just heard. Loki was still droning on and on about how he could have easily killed them when they were split into two teams and how he could have killed Tony when he was deep in depression. And everyone knew he really did have a point.
"I want to know what you're doing working with Deadpool, Daredevil, Doctor Strange and Spider-man? And how haven't we known about this! Spider-Man is a part time avenger."
"Well that's an easy answer. It's because you didn't think I'd come back. Also Thor probably thought I was dead." To that Thor nodded sadly.
"What about your little partners?"
"Well Deadpool saved my life, then we started living together. Daredevil teams up Deadpool occasionally which is how I met him and from there we were friends/allies too. And the Spider-child, he thought I was cool."
"Do you know any of their secret identities?" Loki rolled his eyes.
"Of course I know." The Avengers leaned a little waiting for him to tell them. "No way am I telling you. They're secret for a reason. If you want to know so badly ask them yourselves."  Sam, Steve and Natasha all rolled their eyes in annoyance.
"You didn't tell us how you know Strange."
"Our paths crossed when DP and I went out on a mission. The people we were after were dealing with some dark magic which caught his attention.  He wasn't surprised at all when he saw me. I'd say more disappointed because of who I was with."
"Tony, Bruce?"
"Natasha, Clint."  They rolled their eyes at Tony.
"We need to call Fury."
"And we will. When we let him go." Everyone looked at Bruce. Even Loki.
"Hold on. I'm not leaving. I haven't eaten food like that in months. I'm staying. But I do have to tell DP." The shocked looks turned to Loki.
"You don't want to leave?"
"Of course I want to leave. But you kidnapped me so I might as well make the most of it." He smirked. "Why would you kidnap me and not expect me to get revenge."
"So you are here to attack us."
"Did it seem like I wanted to fight you! How fucking dumb are you? I was helping old people across the street. How many times? How much evidence do I need to give you people before you believe I mean no harm!"
It was silent for several minutes before Loki sighed and teleported away. He didn't teleport to the room they had locked him in. He teleported home. Deadpool promptly fell off the couch when Loki popped in front of the TV.
"Dude! I told you to warn me. What if I had been busy?" Loki rolled his eyes and sat on the couch.
"Oh, hi Wade! No, my day was shit thanks for asking. I totally didn't just fight the Avengers and get starved."
"Should I call the others?" Loki shook his head. It wasn't that bad of a situation to call the others. He was clearly fine.
"No. By any chance does S.H.I.E.L.D know where we live? They might come looking for me." Deadpool shook his head.
"They would never show their faces on this side of town. They don't have the stomach." With that being said Loki dropped his glamour. Deadpool stared at him for just a few seconds before going back to The Golden Girls.
"How did they find you?"
"I was helping the freaking elderly." Deadpool laughed at the scene.
"Who would have thought. Let me guess they attacked first?"
"You know it. Thor even knocked me out with a bolt of lightning after I said I'd go in peace!" He sighed. "I'm going to bed. I've had enough of being awake." Wade watched with a blank face as the frost giant walked into his room.  He waited for several minutes before he came back out.
"Turn down this damn heat! I leave for a few hours and you think we can turn this place into hell!"
"You were gone, I saw my chance." Wade shrugged. He chuckled lowly as he turned down the heat. "Better?" LOki glared once more before returning back to his room.
As soon as Wade was sure he wasn't coming back out he reached for his phone. He needed to tell Daredevil and Strange. The avengers didn't like him and Spider-Man wouldn't stand a chance against the heroes in an argument.
PoolDead- Lokes got kidnapped today.
He waited for ten minutes before he got a text back from one of them. The first to reply was Strange.
StrangestDoctor- Yes, I know. It was all over the news.
Murder-Is he okay?
PoolDead-Seems okay. Just tired asf.
StrangestDoctor-Was that all?
PoolDead-No. He's worried they'll come for him. I think it's best if you guys defend him.
Murder-No shit Wade. There's one thing I don't understand. Why is he home if he was kidnapped?
PoolDead-He teleported. Said they even starved him.
Murder, StrangestDoctor- Yikes.
PoolDead-What should we do if they come here?
Murder, StrangestDoctor-Fight and run.
PoolDead-What's the plan then? Do we just sit and wait?
    Murder-Yes. Which means Loki can't leave the house. He won't be able to do his volunteer work so he'll be upset. Your job is to keep him there no matter what.
PoolDead-Yall will help too, right?
StrangestDoctor- No we have to talk to the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. Call Peter over. I'm sure he'll keep you both entertained. 
Deadpool rolled his eyes. He didn't want to get Petey in the middle of this. He was probably already in trouble because he knew Loki was here.
Murder- Are you sure that's smart? The Avengers could follow him.
StrangestDoctor-Mhm, good point. Buy him more books.
Murder-Loki can read a 500 page book in 5 hours. You have your work cut out for you. I wish you the best of luck.
PoolDead-Wow. Thanks guys.
StrangestDoctor, Murder- You're welcome. See you guys soon. Deadpool closed his phone and threw it beside him.
'So we're stuck in the house for a few days. Shouldn't be that bad, right? Just two dead unstable individuals stuck in a confined space.' White and yellow chose that moment to voice their thoughts on the situation.
'I'm surprised they finally found out. I gave them another year.'
'You always give them another year, Yellow.' Deadpool huffed a breath of annoyance. He had been having better days since Loki came. He kept the voices quiet. Today was not one of those better days. The boxes continued to talk their shit with no regard for Loki or their host.
"Can you guys just shut up on your own? I don't feel like chanting today." His head went silent. 'Greatness' He got up from the sofa and made his way to his room beside Loki's. 'Time to go night night.'

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