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" Look nadia i am really sorry , you know how mom is i am very ashamed to stay more than i should really " i grabbed on nadia's hands with a sorry face .

" Aspasia what are you saying , it happened because of me you didn't have to step into this and get in problems " she said reassuring me that everything was fine but i still felt guilty for practically living with her

" I will go talk to my mom today and find a solution " i got up and fixed my bun tightly .

"Fingers crossed my friend , please talk to her calmly " nadia said giving me the warmest smile ever before i left her house

My house wasn't very far from hers so in matter of minutes i was already infront of my door ,i knew this wouldn't be easy but i had to try .

I knocked on the door and waited for a response until my mother opened the door wide but immediately shut it on my face but i stopped her midway

" Mom you can't do this just because of leo , you knew he deserved that " she stopped pushing the door and looked at me

" Did you have to almost kill your brother for that filthy friend of yours ? " she spat out angrily

" Mom don't call nadia that ! You knew my brother was wrong the whole time . She has suffered enough with him " i yelled at her and pushed the door making my way in .

I looked at the living room to find my brother laying there barely moving with my father besides him .

" Who let you in " my brother's face got red from anger as he saw me .

" She's leaving anyways " my mother grabbed my hand forcefully but i pushed it away

" You filthy coward you abused your wife and my only friend nadia and excpected no punishment for that ? You deserved that blow i should've given you a stronger one scumbag " i yelled out with all my strenght infront of them .

I waited for a reaction but i just received a huge punch in my face .

" How dare you disrespect my son like this " my father yelled at me and grabbed me by my hair .

" You will never be him , never will you be something in this life . I wish i never had a daughter like you , always bringing problems with you and almost killing your brother for that dumb woman " his words penetrated my heart deeply and choked me .

" I'll marry you off tomorrow and i'll get rid of you for once , the man gave me a lot of money to get you so go prepare your things "

" Mom " i looked over at my mom who crossed her arms .

" What you deserve , it's better than to see your face every day " my mother said with so much hatred and i never felt this sad my whole life

" You can't do this , i am a free woman and i can do whatever i want " i said taking a step back looking at my parents .

" Free ? Who are you fooling ? I've literally sold you , you're no one . Just someone's property " my father responded while letting out an evil laugh .

I always knew my parents were the worst but not like this .. never thought they would treat me like this just for the sake of my abusive brother , it felt like they just wanted the chance to get rid of me .

" never in my life will i get married " i said before sprinting out of my house not looking back just hearing my parents yell behind me

" aspasia , we're gonna find you " my father yelled behind me but i ignored him . It was already night and i was so scared , i knew my father wouldn't rest without finding me and i had nowhere to go .

The village was very small and everyone recognized us , even if i ran away i had nowhere to go it's like i was trapped . I don't know why my own parents treated me like this , it has always been my brother the hero and i would always be despised i barely had a childhood . My brother went to school played with others and i didn't even nadia i met her until she married my brother .

My father sold my freedom , he gave up on me on the first chance he had . I was very dissapointed in myself and them i felt horrible

I kept running but i still took precaution to not hurt myself because it was so dark and i barely could see anything .

I sat on the floor and immediately started crying ,i knew i had nowhere to go and there was no way i can comeback home or they would marry me to some old man .

I then decided to take a boat to travel to bursa , it was my only escape from here . I would be far away from the capital and from my parents ,i can build a new life there away from everyone .

I wiped my tears away and decided to go even far because i could still see smoke coming from other houses from my village , i walked few steps but i stopped in my tracks when i stumbled on a body .

I took a step back and my eyes widened when i saw a man almost my age laying there unconscious , he looked like a prince . But what would a prince be doing in the middle of the woods aspasia come on .

" Sir , are you okay " i got on my knees and slapped his cheeks lightly but he wouldn't move . I checked his pulse and he was still breathing .

" I'm sorry but i can't help you , i need help myself " i got up quickly but soon enough i stepped on mud ketting my leg sink deeply into it .

" Why why why " i said crying out from anger and desperation . Why did all bad things happen at once

" I guess we're destined to stay together here , sir ? " i whispered to myself as i tried to pull my leg .

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