Part two (deenas pov)

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don't tell anyone this, especially not Kate she would never let me hear the end of it but I actually kinda don't hate school. Yeah it's boring, for the most part but I have Kate and Simon, my two best friends, and I'm not that bad at maths or band practice. I know I ament the most popular or social but Kate is the most goal driven person I know, she's like captain of every dumb club this shit hole has to offer and she's always unapologetically herself which is my favorite thing about her and Simon is the most loyal and caring human you would ever meet, he's really independent since his dad left, he had to step up for his mom and brother so he got a job and works his ass off. I'm really lucky to have them both.

The worst part of school would be the mouth breathing students. I fucking hate those assholes, I try to not let the comments bother me but sometimes they do. I wish I never kissed that girl in 7th grade, but why do they even care? It's not like my sexuality is any of their business. They seem extremely fascinated though, so much so that they remind me every day with a lovely "goodmoring shittyside dyke". One day I'll move far, far away, Kate's got the goals maybe she'll take me with her, I know for a fact she'll get out of this town, "off to claim her place among the stars" as she always reminds me.

Cheer practice
Since I'm the one with the car, I stay back and do some homework on the bleachers while Kate teaches the cheerleaders their new routines or some shit. Every practice I've noticed that this one blonde has been staring at me, probably just heard I'm some "huge lesbian" and wanted to get a better look or some bullshit like I'm an animal in a zoo.

This time while I notice she's staring at me during practice, I smile and wave a little so maybe she'll stop but instead next thing I know I'm being summoned by Kate because she's face flat into the grass
"DEENAAA" I heard Kate scream, so I run down to the injured blonde while she orders a team mate to go off and get an ice pack and she runs off to find a first aid kit.
"Are you okay?" I ask as I lift her ankle onto my thigh and check it's not falling off or anything.
"Yeah, I'm all good, totally didn't just fall on my face or anything" she reply's
"Oh really? Then what am I holding your ankle for?"
She looks away and doesn't reply so I just wait for Kate and the other girl to come back with the supplies.
"Oh don't worry, apparently she didn't fall on her face after all, I can take it from here" I say giggling a little.
"Look I know I said that but can you help me out here? It really hurts"
She looks like she's in pain so I place the ice pack carefully on her ankle.
"Okay fine, cheerleader" I groan hoping she corrects me with her name and so she does.
"It's Sam"
"I like cheerleader better, I'm Deena by the way"
"I like moody brunette better" she says it like she's mimicking me almost. It's kinda cute though.
I pull the ice pack away and reach of the first aid kit when I hear Sam say
"Dude! Put it back on, it's still sore"
"Okay, okay, fine! I was just gonna wrap it up, who's moody now?
She sticks her tongue at me and scrunches her face so I copy her, we laugh and chat a little more before I wrap up her ankle and practice is over.
"Need a ride?" I offer the blonde.
"no thanks, my mom is waiting outside, Kate could you maybe walk me out front?"

I've never met anyone like her before, maybe cheerleaders aren't so bad.

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