As Sukuna sat in the middle of the all-white room, in a state of bliss and meditation. While meditated he thought of all the things he could do with his flames. Since the flames in the show were not shown to such an extent of being overpowered or to their full potential he could only think of the possibilities. Because in Sukuna's mind the most dangerous weapon isn't guns, knives, superpowers, or super smarts, but creativity. Like give a shut-in otaku power and see what they do with it. A lot more than they were intended to do.

Hw even when over some of the events in the show Young Justices to find a place to insert himself.  Sukuna for sure didn't want to be a hero. Taking orders from the Justice League or sparing the villains that have done so much wrong in the world. For example, joker comes on he was just all sorts of messed up and Batman puts him in Arkem just to escape the next day. He got that people would say the joker is just a persona and if you kill this one another will pop up, and do worse things than the current. That is an understandable argument but just how long would a new joker be appointed, minutes, days, weeks, months, or years. To him, a period of no joker is better than having a joker.

A villain is off the list for sure. He doesn't want to be hunted by the Justice League or any hero group. Also, Sukuna didn't wanna be hunted by villain groups too like seriously were on the same side but no they wanna be crafty. But what he does know is that he wants to do good in this world and be praised by people. Then there was the huge issue that plagued his mind, Roy and Cheshire. A creepy chill ran up his body thinking about those spending a night together and having a child. "I'm going to have to prevent that from happening for sure." Sukuna let out a sign as he sat there.

He heard locks being undone followed by a bang. He looked to the completely blank wall. A few seconds later a door magically appeared and in came 7 heavily armored and armed guards alone with the warden. The man had a fake smile and a bald head with a cool beard, Hugo Strange. Sukuna watched them silently as the guards surrounded him and pointed their guns at him. Now normally he would attack all of them but seeing as he had a collar on that administered a ridiculous amount of electrical charge, he chose the best option to not engage.

"Sukuna it's nice to see you," said Hugo with fake joy in his voice. Sukuna just kept his eyes on the man and said nothing. The man sighed and looked at the young man in front of him with interest. Not only did they have to up the voltage of his collar to dangerous levels to keep him in line, but that wasn't what piqued his interest but his ability to make different body parts on or in his body at any given moment. Which to him was a gold mine in the black market. "Well I would like to say your punishment in this.... box has ended," he said referring to the surrounding he was in.

Since He didn't want to hear the man talk anymore Sukuna stood up but his movements were followed by the 7 guards with high alert. He looked to the guards then Hugo "you're going to need more guards next time if you intend to see me." He said with a straight face and a smile crept on his face causing the guards to shift uneasily. Hugo just smiled and took what he said into consideration. With that Hugo lead, Sukuna followed by the guards to the door. As Sukuna step out of the cell he took a deep inhale of the prison corridor. The smell of dry iron was rich along with the smell of negativity.

Hugo looked to the boy "I will be leaving the guards to take you to the cafeteria, I hope there wouldn't be any trouble" he said looking at the boy's red eyes. Sukuna just shrugged like it was no big deal. "If he does anything out of line, shock him till unconsciousness" and with that Hugo when on with his business as the guards took Sukuna to get so food in his system.


As they got closer to the door of the cafeteria Sukuna sped up and brought his foot down hard on the door sending it flying off its hinges and fortunately knocking some prisoners over. The once roughy cafeteria became dead silent. A sick smile appeared on his face. He scanned the whole area and his eyes landed on a blond-haired boy sitting across from a blue boy. "Omoshiroi (Interesting)" he whispered looking at the boy of steel. He looked at the closest table to him and it was full of cannon fodder villains. As he walked to the table everyone followed his movement with their eyes not looking away for a second. When he got to the table the fodders were shaking like leaves. Once his very presence was upon them he looked at them he said " Why don't you livestock get me food, and if you think about saying no Anata o koroshimasu ( I will kill you)"

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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