Pre-Manor (2)

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[ Edgar POV ] 

TW: s//1c1d3 (you may skip this part if ur uncomfy, and also this will end with a good ending dont worry :'))

Me and Luca have been dating for a few weeks now, his personality is really adorable.

But I haven't seen him in a while?


[ Still Edgar POV ]

I woke up to the tv on, the news was on. It was about an inventor that got arrested.

My heart dropped. That..Wasn't Luca? Right?...I panicked..The news confirmed his name was Luca Balsa..

I didn't feel anything. not sadness, anger or anything in general. I hated everything. "Why? WHY WOULD HE DO THAT???" I started to think to myself.

I realized. Theres no meaning in life. The person I loved. Is gone. Gone forever. Nothing is left for me to live. I decided I should...kill myself.

I prepared the s//1c1d3 note. 

There. I was gone. I didnt exist anymore.

"I looked at myself..Theres cotton coming out of me?"

"Am I...a doll?.."

I regreted my actions after remembering, Maple. My sister..She would've been the one comforting me...Luca..he was also probably alive..What did I do...

Tears started to form in my eyes

I started crying softly. 


2 years later.

"A knock on the door?"I thought to myself.

I opened the door. A letter.

It said

"Dear Edgar Valden, 

You died due to suicide. You wish to undo everything. Right?

 We can help you with that.

Please visit this location.

(Oletus Manor location lol)


- ???"

I blindly went there. I didn't care. I wanted to see Luca and Maple.


Hello sry for making this cringe lol but anyways hope you enjoyed

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