(permawip) Imagine a Stranger, part 2 //Poland & Reichtangle//

Start from the beginning


"You-- you honor me," his angel said, but as Germany regarded him, the Empire realized this cherub was not so innocent. He was not upset by this. It was simply... noted.


"You-- you honor me," Poland sputtered out. But he suddenly caught something in the Empire's eye and he couldn't help but feel like-- he'd slipped up somehow.


Two telegrams

From: the German Empire

To: the Kingdom of Poland

I fear that my ability to express myself outside of writing is limited. However, I received the impression that you were not averse to my presence. I am traveling to Russia to speak to the Tsar this summer, and I was wondering if you would be inclined to let me stay at your residence for a day or two to rest up before continuing my journey. Please respond promptly.

From: the Kingdom of Poland

To: the German Empire

You are welcome in my home whenever you may need it. You need not call ahead, simply arrive when you can. I look forward to having you.


Poland didn't know how it happened


Germany knew how it had happened.

He had arrived at Poland's palace with a theory to test and a methodology ready. Most countries did not know of his more bestial features, and he didn't think it necessary to inform them. After all, wouldn't it be terrifying if you knew a seven foot tall giant with claws could smell your emotions?

Poland was the perfect host, of course, providing Germany with a wide ammount of food and drink and entertaining him throughout the night. Germany, however, made a point to touch Poland's shoulder and hand when he could. If Poland was operating under the pretext of new friendship, this would be considered normal and expected for Germany to communicate warmness and familiarity without words. Someone who wanted merely to be a friend wouldn't find himself under the throws of arousal.

It got to the point where Poland was excusing himself to... take care of the issue.

Germany decided to push it at this point. Perhaps it was improper, but he wouldn't let his angel suffer like that alone.


Poland didn't even know why it was happening. The German Empire had arrived at Poland's grounds, and Poland tried to be a good host, the best he could be. He brought out his best wine and had his chefs kill a lamb from the fields. However, Germany continued the trend of touching from the party, brushing Poland's shoulder and arms with his large, gnarled hands. Poland was trying to be-- good. Trying to be of pure thoughts, oh, what would the Pope think? He would confess and be cleansed later. Thinking of such sin alone seemed forgivable and even encouraged, since it was only fantasy, but in the presence of the one desired, it became too real.

And too unbearable. Eventually, Poland had to excuse himself from dinner, lest his arousal be discovered. He could just take care of his hard-on, and then the rest of the night would be fine.

He went to his bed after shutting the door behind him, and began undoing his pants to stroke out his emotions quickly.

But then, there was a knock.

"Wh-what?" Poland said, stopping and redoing the first button on his trousers.

Nothing, only another knock. Had Germany followed him up here? Why?

Poland opened the door a crack and looked out and then up. It was Germany. Why was he here?


Germany could smell it staunchly on him. There was not even a question anymore. His angel did more than want him, his angel lusted for him and craved him. Poland's face as he peeked through the door was flushed with arousal, his white hair fell like spun silk over his eyes. Perhaps he was not even an angel, but a devil sent to tempt and destroy him. Perhaps.

How to communicate?

He reached out and brushed his thumb across Poland's lip, grunting in the back of his throat, before laying his hand on the frame of the door, as if asking for entry, but he did not force his way in.


It was silent for a moment, until there was a swipe of silk across Poland's lip. And that sound, like from the very throat of the beast. Was Poland imagining this? Was Poland imagining the way Germany leaned forward? There must be some misreading of the situation by Poland's sex-addled mind.

He opened the door slightly, and sure enough, Germany stepped in and then closed the door behind him.

"What are you doing? What I think you are doing?" Poland asked.

Germany turned to him and nodded.

"There is no miscommunication?"

There was a moment where Germany looked down and stared at Poland's crotch, and then looked back up at him. Germany raised an eyebrow, and then shook his head, as if to say 'How could there be miscommunication when you look like that?'

Poland had the sense of self to be embarrassed, but chuckled slightly. He hadn't expected Germany to have a sense of humor.

But Poland was jolted from any introspection by Germany simply picking him up like a child and putting him on the bed. It took a moment for Germany to climb up after him, lumbering like a bear.

And there they were. Poland was on his back in front of the monster that had haunted his wet dreams for weeks. He seemed even more massive in this context. Was this actually happening, or would Poland be jolted awake in a second or two? It couldn't be real, could it?

But then, he felt Germany's hand rest gently between his legs and stay there, as Germany looked curiously at Poland. Then Poland realized he was asking for permission. Germany had never struck him as the type to ask that sort of thing.

"Yes. Yes, get on with it. Please!" Poland asked, before taking initiative to strip off his own waist coat and tunic.


//Sex does not desire to be written by the author. Sorry. I tried, but it really wasn't coming (like you aren't)

But there is a huge size difference, and so Poland would be very vocal and enthusiastic, very power bottom, and Reichtangle isn't sure how to deal with Poland being very sexually experienced. Like, Poland is taking a lot in this. The German Empire is a solid 11 or 12 inches.

However, as I would transition between POVs I would show Poland's opinion changing. Instead of a monster, he sees Reichtangle as a gentle giant sent to care for him, and Reichtangle begins to see him as an incubus and vixen sent to entangle him, and becomes angry at himself and Poland for being deceived. This change of opinion is how Reichtangle slowly becomes willing to be violent towards Poland and wants to have and own him, as if conquering this thing that deceived him and made him think it was innocent and perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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