B.K. So Little And Sweet

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Bakugo's attitude was becoming a problem.

He would lash out violently at the class, (luckily he never physically hurt anyone) and they were getting pretty sick of it.

Little moments if they watched carefully they would catch bakugo letting his guard down thinking no one was watching, he would smile in a way that didn't make it seem like he wanted to rip someone's arm off.

And he would even giggle softly at jokes he would hear across the room. But as soon as he would notice anyone watching he would go back to being a grump.

Class 1a wanted to see a hell of a lot more of soft bakugo, he was like a cute little baby.

So they met together privately to discuss things.

"I think Bakubabe would be really cute if he was a bit younger and innocent..."

"I agree with Mina, bit their isn't really anything we can do." Kirishima hummed.

"Actually... I think if we put our foot down and make Katsuki change ourselves..." piped in the usually quiet todoroki.

"He's right! Kacchan just needs a little push, and then hell be back to like when he was a kid."

Everyone agreed and separated ready for the days coming.

They started slow, it was necessary for someone with a personality as explosive as Bakugo, but changes were becoming noticeable.

For example when the class would have their weekly movie marathon usually bakugo would skip but that was put to a quick stop.

As they sat in the common room they practically forced bakugo to sit on the sofa in-between Todoroki and Iida and for whatever reason he didn't seem to fight it.

"Let's put something kid friendly on for those of us not big enough." Iida declared slinging a blanket over the spiky blond.

It seemed everyone but Bakugo noticed how soft and docile he was acting, but that was fine by them.

Todoroki subtly started rubbing bakugo's arm as he pulled him closer enjoying the proximity. This is when kirishima decided to finally take the leap they had all been waiting for.

Quickly he popped a dummy into the mouth of the unsuspecting classmate  gently holding it in place as he tried to spit it out.

Bakugo must have really been out of it because he barley complained eventually giving up and just laying in defeat.

He whined.
"Why awe you dowing this?" Came muffled from behind the dummy. At this todoroki pulled the little man into his lap using his leg to rock him, little resistance was given.

"Because little baby you are far too aggressive, although you may not like it you are so much calmer and nicer when you are treated like the baby you really are. And honestly it just makes you more lovable."

Although he wanted to disagree the rocking was getting to him, and he felt his mind lossen.
"I'm nowt a baby!"

The giggles he received from his classmates should have made him shout and fight in frustration but nothing happened.

"Of course not baby you are super duper strong hero!" If in his right mind he would have right-hooked Midoriya for saying this but again he wasn't.

"Mhm" He hummed finally resting his head on todoroki's muscular shoulder. Resistance was futile and honestly he secretly enjoyed the cozy feeling he was getting.

The class awed at the cuteness coming from their classmate at that moment, they truly had made the right call.

But now came the next issue...

...diapers and bedtime.


Ayyyyy I'm sorry this is short but I've been on haitus far too long and needed something to kick-start me again.

Thankyou for any suggestions, I want to  see lots of suggestions waiting for me!

BTW if you are a denki lover like me feel free to check out and give suggestions on my denki kaminari agre story!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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