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[ Edgar POV ]

(At this POV Edgar is 10 and Maple is 13)

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, birds chirping, flowers dancing. 

It was Monday, I felt really lazy today. I didn't feel like moving out of my bed or anything. Of course, I had to get up.  I got ready, wore my uniform, packed my stuff and went outside. No breakfast or anything. My older sister Maple goes outside with me and we both walk to school. 

"Edgar, you didn't ate anything again did you?" Maple asked

I ignored the girl. And continued walking.

"I'm assuming thats a yes." she said with a tone.

We reached to school and Maple waves goodbye to me since we don't go to the same class.

I reached to my locker and reached into my bag

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Did I really leave my homework at my house again" I thought to myself

I start to panic. My teacher wont believe me when I said I did my homework but left it at home.

I decided to just deal with it.

The bell rang I went to my class.

There was a boy, he was probably new? I haven't seen him around

I looked away and started to prepare my stuff. The first subject, art. My favorite class. The teacher always praise my art. Even the ugliest ones. 

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped

"Ah, sorry if I scared you..May I ask if this seat is taken?" The new boy asks.

"I-it's fine. I guess..And, no it's not taken.." I said

"You'll probably regret sitting next to me.." I mumbled

"What was that?" The boy with brown hair asks.

"Nothing. Just prepare your stuff it's art class."

"What's your name?" The boy asks

"Edgar. Edgar Valden." I responded

"Luca Balsa!" He says

I gave him a soft smile but then suddenly a thought came into my head."He's probably gonna hate you after the others tells him about your personality. Welp. Fun while it lasted.

The teacher comes into the classroom

"Sorry for being late." The teacher says in a sincere tone 

"I have some news! We have a new classmate" He says.

"Luca Balsa, please come up to introduce yourself."

After Luca introduces himself..(I'm too lazy to write lol)

[ Luca POV ]

The teacher asked us to find a partner for us to paint or, for them to paint us. I looked to my right. Edgar, sitting next to me 

"Hey Edgar, I know we just met but, do you wanna-"

"Sure." The other said.

"Ehh?" I said in a confused tone

"So..Who paints? I'm not that good at art.." I said in embarrassment.

"It's fine. I'll paint." he said

He starts painting, minutes passes. "He must be putting a lot of effort into this" I thought to myself.

"It's finished." He shows the painting

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