chapter 3

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chapter three - as puzzled as can be

"Alex. Alex, get up. Alex!"

He squinted at the bright light.

"Finally, you're awake -"

"Alexa?" The silhouette sure looked like her.

As if your pounding headache wasn't bad enough already, it got even worse.

"Ale - no! It's Y/N, and get up!"

Alex's eyes adjusted to the bright light, allowing him to see that it was you, clothed with a blanket. He looked down to see his naked self. He quickly scrambled to find a blanket.

He squinted, trying to properly look at something white that was on the floor (which was hard since it seemed like the world was spinning). "Oh, what the fuck, a used condo - Oh, fuck."

"'Oh, fuck' is right. What the actual fuck happened last night?" You asked him, trying to remember as well.

"We must've gotten really drunk," he answered, trying to find any memories of last night.

"Well, no shit! What are we gonna do now?" You paced around your room. Er, tried to; your legs ached. You sat down on the bed, only to get back up. "Wait, where's my phone?"

"I think you dropped your stuff near the door," Alex replied, trying to remember anything else.

"I'm gonna get my stuff. You can go get dressed, there's a bunch of clothes you guys own in the other room. I think I have work today. Oh, fuck, work..." You didn't want to move, you just wanted to lay in bed all day, and maybe even take a long warm bath...

Just as Alex had said, you found your bag and its contents spilt on the floor by the front door, which was thankfully locked. You checked your phone: It was 8:13 am on a Monday. You had work in-

"Fuck, around fifteen minutes left..." you muttered under your breath as you brought all of your stuff to your room.

"Hey, Y/N, how d'you have clothes for all of us? And tagged with our names, too?" he hollered from the other room. Alex seemed like he wasn't having a horrible migraine, but he was. He definitely was.

"You'd be surprised at how often you guys leave random clothes around," you replied, getting dressed in your room. You tried not to speak too loud; your throat hurt, and you didn't want to know why.

Alex knocked. "Come in," you answered. He opened the door and leaned on your doorframe, wearing jeans and a sky-blue shirt. He was also wearing a different pair of shoes.

"You've got a lot of our clothes," he said, looking at her clothes: a pair of wide-leg jeans, a white shirt with dark blue hems and a rainbow breast pocket, and white high tops she'd customised to have rainbow heels. Needless to say, you felt like wearing rainbows that day, even though you also felt like absolute shit because you'd just slept with Alex - someone Alexa liked. Also, you had a horrible hangover.

"You, uh, look nice," he told you, trying not to make things awkward. "Anyways, what are we gonna tell Alexa-"

"We're telling Alexa?" you asked, fixing up your bag.

"We're not?" he asked back, sitting down beside you. "Hold on, is there summat in your eye?"


"You keep blinking," he answered. "'s it too bright? Or is it that thing your eyes do...?"

You shook your head, getting up with your bag in hand. "No, what do you mean, that thing my eyes do?" you replied, going down the stairs, Alex following you. "Oh, that... I remember now," you said, thinking about something from when you were sixteen.

drunken monologuesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें