aight so imagine...

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A Bungou Stray Dogs x Honkai Impact
Spoilers for the entire plot of honkai impact (get out)
(Well for this chapter it's only from chapter 5 "Tundra Reunion" until chapter 9 "Journey For Tomorrow")

Takes place after the cannibalism arc
So basically, Himeko is a member of the agency that went on "vacation" for a few months
Atsushi meets her when she came back
Then he meets Kiana
Asked if Himeko is a teacher because Kiana called her sensei
She said yes
He also asked her if they have an ability, and she just said "figure it out lol"
Kiana likes to tease Himeko and Atsushi
Himeko kept scolding her
Kiana ranting about her best (girl)friend Mei
Atsushi wondering who tf is Mei
Bla bla bla
Kiana failing some school test
Then after a few weeks Kiana was found unconscious
Basically what happens in chapter 5 of Honkai Impact, "Tundra Reunion" until chapter 14 "Dispel the Darkness" (but with a slight (by i mean slight, i mean, very small) changes)

She meets her mom in her dream
Thought it was real
Saves her mom from some evil ability user that cursed her (by killing the ability user ofc)
Then that user somehow reappeared and destroy her hallucination
Kiana is in denial
The ability user keep tormenting her
"No... You're lying! I... I saved my mom! Shut up! Shut up!"
"I'll... I'll just had to recite the magic spell! Ich liebe dich... Ich liebe dich... Ich liebe dich... Ich.. liebe.. dich.."
"Yes.. just like that... I'll certainly have the power to defeat you!"
Ofc she lost and she woke up, but it's no longer Kiana who woke up. It's the curse user, "The Queen of The Void" (their title or smth because no one knows her name)

At first no one suspected anything because she just woke up, and everyone was confused. Until Ranpo suddenly revealed that she isn't Kiana.
She laughed *insert Herrscher of the void laughter*
"That's right! Kiana is no more!"
Says some evil character shit and then teleports away
Himeko was sad and angry (sangry?)
Then she went to meet an old friend to help
Guess who
Frederica Nikola Tesla and Lieserl Albert Einstein duh
Ofc they don't know how
Then Himeko suddenly coughed, turns out she have the same source (core) of ability as that void user girl except it's slowly killing her
Tesla asked her to stay and don't go
"Leave this to us"
No duh how are we going to go to Kiana's character development
Tesla objected anyways and give her some cure to the core
"K I'll use it"
"I lied like hell I'd use it time to give it to Kiana and shoo the ability user awae"

Then she went to find "Kiana" and "Kiana" summoned a frikking dragon to fight her
But just as she about to win, "Kiana" pulled a fucking domain expansion (except it's not really a domain expansion) and fight her

(Insert the "Final Lesson" animation and the cries of the honkai impact captains)
(I cried too ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ)

Himeko won, but didn't kill "Kiana" but instead asked her to live on.
"Kiana" stared for a few seconds before pusing her away, but himeko secretly already injected the cure to her which forced the ability user to retreat back and let Kiana have control

...Himeko was nowhere to be found.

Damn what a nice story /sarcasm btw

(Also a small bonus, "Kiana" was stopped after she destroyed a decent part of Yokohama, which alerted the port mafia and the agency members, causing them to act and trying to find her quickly.
Because the body belonged to Kiana, she felt hesitation in her heart when she thought about Himeko, so she wanted to get rid of her to torture Kiana.)

"Kiana... Everything will change once you woke up.
This world... And everyone... Will turn their backs on you.
But remember.. you will still have someone that will support you.
Don't be afraid.. and never.. ever, ever give up."

"Himeko! I'll be the best student that you'll ever have! And I'll make you proud, okay?"

"Kiana... You already made me proud."

"Live on.. my dear comet."

(I don't want it to copy the honkai story entirely, so I'll change up the lines a bit :D)

(Depress ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽)

(Ps. The final lesson part is straight up copied from the animation with no relevant thing to the agency, but i promise to add them next lol)

Should I actually write this into a story? Though I think it will be kinda pointless since some of you who've played honkai might know how it's gonna go...
But should I still do it?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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