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"Is that a shark with legs?"


"Oh, he talks? Incredible!"

Aya hated Belle Reve. How could she not? It was an awful place with awful people, and she had seen nothing but its drab walls all her life. At the least, it was awfully boring.

Her first encounter with the outside world was during her very first mission with the aptly titled suicide squad to stop an ancient homicidal goddess that had possessed a young woman named June Moone, who just so happened to be dating the leader of the task force.

She wasn't sure if it really counted as an encounter with the outside world, seeing as they were roaming a nearly obliterated city full of people trying to kill them.

So when she's offered the chance at feeling the sun on her skin in exchange for destroying project starfish as a member of Task Force X, it's an offer she can't refuse.

Little does she know, it's not as innocent as simply stopping government experimentation, and it's going to open a door into her past she'd rather keep closed.

DIRTY SECRETS||THE SUICIDE SQUADWhere stories live. Discover now