Heatwave x Chase: Don't be so reckless.

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     (What I put in the oneshot is not canon. NONE of it is. And note that I suck when writing rescues-)

Genre: Uhhhh- Tiny angst because I like it- bad writing, andddd a bit of romance between bots I guess-

     It was morning in Griffin Rock. Birds were chirping, people were peacefully walking outside, the Burns family was preparing for a long day of rescues, and the bots were...lecturing?

     "You could've hurt yourself even worse out there, Chase!" A higher pitched rescue bot exclaimed. "Blades, I assure you, as long as I am still standing, I have no need for lectures." the police bot replies. "I agree with Blades. Yesterday, you could have even died. I can't let that happen." adds the fire bot.

     "Heatwave, as our leader, you have to rely on us, and know that we are capable of taking care of ourselves." Chase defends. "Not doing that makes us useless."

     "What I'm doing is what I choose to do. YOU have to follow." Heatwave growls, pointing at the location of Chase's spark. "But when it comes to rescuing, I can't follow your orders. My apology." Boulder and Blades began their own little pep talk during Heatwave and Chase's argument.

     "You ever wonder why Heatwave always cares so much about Chase?" Blades complains. "When we do something just as dangerous, in fact WORSE, he doesn't give a meaningful lecture like this one. Instead he's even more grouchy." Boulder thinks for a moment, watching them. "I think we should just let it play out. We might find out."

     "Fine." Blades pouts, his metal arms dangling down as he slouches.

     Suddenly an alarm starts to beep. It was the rescue bots alarm. The Burns family comes down and the robots transform. "Gigantic wildfire in the open forest. And there's people there, camping." Chief explains. Heatwave sighs. "How many times are we going to fight a fire, while HUMANS are there?" "Don't complain, Heatwave. This is our job, after all."

     "Fine. Chase, we continue this talk later." He says to the blue bot, angry and somewhat very worried. "Affirmative." Chase replies. The bots transform and the Burns family get into them. "Rescue bots, roll to the rescue!" *insert the bots leaving the firehouse*

     When they arrive at their destination, a giant fire the size of 4, maybe 5 of Mayor Luskey's houses. "Chase, get the people out!" Chief yells. Chase nods and gets into his robotic behavior. "Please evacuate in an orderly fashion." The campers panic and run in the direction Chase points to.

     Kade grabs the hose from Heatwave and they both start trying to spray the fire. It starts to grow bigger in size and they had to take a step back. "Chief, I believe that's all of them." Chase says. Boulder and Graham dig dirt and try to throw it on the fire. "It's getting bigger! Dani DO SOMETHING!" Kade yells at the top of his breath. "I see a water tower! Wait...A man is surrounded by fire!" Dani replies in the comm. 

     "What!?" Graham exclaims. "Dad, how-" Kade asks but isn't able to answer as Heatwave reels in the hose. "I'll go get him." he says. "Power up, and energize!" A fire extinguisher powers up in his hand and he starts to run into the fire. "Heatwave!" Chase exclaims, running into the fire after him. "Chase, what are you doing!?" Chief asks in the comm. "Heatwave is being reckless, I have to comply."

     "Comply with what?!" "Rescuing. It is my job as a rescue bot!" Chase yells as he stops the fire extinguisher. Heatwave is found holding the citizen, his metal seeming a bit burnt. "Heatwave!" Chase calls, getting to him. "What are you doing here, it's dangerous!" He yells, fire closing in on them. Heatwave opens his cockpit and places the citizen inside. "Is that who the Burns family term to as, Jerry?" "I think so." Heatwave then grunts and falls onto Chase's shoulder. Chase starts to extinguish the flames.

     "Should we go now?" Chase asks. Heatwave nods, getting help from Chase to walk out of the fire. "There they are!" Blades exclaims. "Is everything okay? Where's the man?" Chief asked. "In Heatwave's cockpit." Chase answers as Heatwave opens it and carefully takes out Jerry. "Jerry?!" The Burns sibings exclaim. "Hang on, Jerry, I'll get you to the Doctor." Graham says, getting in Boulder with Jerry on his back. 

    "Now to get rid of the fire." Dani says, as Blades drops a water tower into the fire. The water vaporizes it, and the only thing left after it finished was burned trees.

     "How am I gonna get back now?" Kade asks. "Don't worry son. You'll be hitching a ride with me and Chase. When Boulder gets back he will tow Heatwave back to the firehouse." Chief explains. Before Chase transforms, he takes one last glance at Heatwave, who is sitting down with a burned leg.

     "And you think I'M reckless? You went into a fire and caused TONS of damage to yourself, unlike me. As our leader, you can't put others before yourself." Chase starts to lecture, unbelievably with non-robotic emotion. Heatwave sighs. "I had to. Optimus gave us the mission to protect humans at all cost, even if it means putting ourselves in danger. We can't risk anyone dying, not anymore..."

     Silence was made in the bunker. "Heatwave, don't take this badly but...I was very worried." Heatwave looks up from under his metal hat and glances at Chase's optics. "You don't have to be. No matter what, I'm staying so I don't have to be worried about you- I mean- all of you." He says, stuttering at the last part.

     Chase sits down on the big couch next to Heatwave and sighs. "You aren't fireproof. None of us are." "You went into the fire too, don't just direct it on me."

     Chase looks at the wall before looking back at Heatwave. "What I'm trying to say is...I like you. Do you know what that means? Tending as to I'm saying this in human language." Heatwave has his robotic mouth agape, flushing whatever color robots flush- "I- Well- I know what that means, yes. Kade and Hailey have given a lot of influence. And, well, I like you too I guess." Heatwave says, looking the other way.

     Chase smiles a bit, enjoying the answer, even though Heatwave said 'I guess'. He knows his language when it comes to showing what he feels about things. That's just how much he watches him :)

     Meanwhile the Burns Family, Boulder, and Blades are behind the wall, NOT expecting this.

The End XD this was so bad-

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