Milkshakes and Necklaces

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Prompt: Neku and Reader reunite in the RG. Neku x Reader. Requested by Polli2123.


You look yourself over in the mirror several times over. Looking nice? Check. All the essentials for being out for a few hours? Check. Fully charged phone? Check. The star necklace that Neku got you during the Game (he had insisted on it, claiming that it would protect you more and help you hit harder, but you had never noticed a difference)? ...ah crap, that's what you were missing. Where is it... ah on your desk.

You put it on and fix your hair. You glance at the time on your phone. If you don't get going, you're gonna be late to the meeting at Hachiko. Well, rather, the meeting at Sunshine. You and Neku had agreed to meet there fifteen minutes before the arranged meeting at Hachiko.

You leave your house, making sure to lock it behind you. No one's home-- both of your parents have work. Might be a good place for the group to hang out after walking around Shibuya for a bit.

You arrive at Sunshine in record time (not including any times where you and Neku had to dash around the city to do anything on the days where the time limit had been low). The boy in question is standing near the restaurant's entrance, eyes shut. His foot is tapping the ground and his head is bobbing slightly in time to whatever music he's listening to through his headphones.

"Neku!" You call out.

Neku immediately looks up and quickly scans the busy crows until he sees you. A smile overtakes his features and he hangs his headphones around his neck and fiddles with his MP3 player, presumably pausing whatever he was listening to and turning it off.

"Hey, Clingy," He greets. You pout at him for the nickname.

"I'm not clingy," you whine back. You cross your arms and look pointedly away from him.

Neku huffs a laugh, "Sorry, sorry."

"You don't sound very sorry."

Neku tilts his head in thought, "Let me make it up to you then... milkshakes?"

"Hrggh... my one weakness. Chocolate's fine."

Neku nods and you both step inside to order. He orders you your chocolate milkshake and he gets himself a vanilla one. You pick out an unoccupied booth and don't have people sitting nearby.

Neku slides into the seat across from you and hands you your milkshake. The both of you are silent as you drink them quickly through habit. Habit left over from having to eat food as fast as possible and then be out the door in a flash to have enough time to complete the day's mission, that is.

Neku finishes first, having mastered the art of eating quickly throughout four weeks compared to your measly one, takes a moment to study you. A light blush dusts across your cheeks, but you ignore him in favor of finishing your drink.

"Is that necklace the one I got you?" Neku asks.

"The very same."

Neku looks away, an unsure look on his face, "It, uh, looks nice on you."

You can't help but smile at his sudden shyness. Even now, making friendly with someone was still something new to him.

"I'd hope so."

There's another silence as you finally finish your milkshake.

"Hey, uh..." you start, not sure how to gently bring up the topic on your mind.


"Are you, um... okay?"

Neku takes a moment to inspect himself. "Yeah, I'm fine. Is there something on my face?"

"N-No. I mean, after everything that happened... y'know, the whole dragon and Composer thing? N-Not to mention getting shot... again, by the sounds of it."

"Oh... that," Neku sighs and you immediately feel bad for asking. "It's... I'm managing. It was a lot to take in. It still is, but..."

He trails off, a slight amount of pain in his expression. You reach forward to grasp his hands.

"I get it," you say. "I can't say that I relate because I've never been in that situation before, but... I do get it. Just remember that we're here for you. I'm here for you. And!" you add after a brief pause. "Give us the word, and we'll kick that Joshua kid's ass for you!"

Neku stares at you for a moment, huffs a small laugh, then flashes that rare smile in which you feel that everything is gonna turn out alright. "Thanks... I knew I love you for a reason."

Your face grows hot as you blush violently. The two of you had a moment to work out your feelings towards each other before you had fought the Game Master, Neku explaining that that might be the last time they get a chance to talk before the Game was over.

"Love you, too..." Now Neku is the one blushing.

There's a comfortable silence as you both stare at each other's hands, intertwined with each other. You could remain like this until the end of time, and you'd be happy throughout every second.


You both startle violently and whip your heads towards the window.

Beat is keeled over laughing his ass off at the way the both of you jumped, his laugh slightly muffled by the glass between you. Rhyme is behind him, shooting the both of you an apologetic look. Shiki 一the real Shiki you note, brown hair, brown eyes, and half-rimmed glasses一 is standing beside her, covering a giggle behind her hand.

Even though your heart is still pounding out of your chest, either from Neku affection or Beat's very successful jumpscare, you start laughing as well. Neku shoots him a glare, then one at you once he hears you laugh, before joining in himself.

Yeah, everything's gonna be just fine.


I think I might stop writing Reader stories from here on (despite this being the first one I've ever written). I don't really like them, and writing a character that has to be a tad bit neutral in personality to pair well with a Reader's perspective is kinda hard. Also while making sure this particular Reader isn't too similar to Shiki (which I kinda failed at).

This was a neat experience to write, though, all things considered.

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