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You and the squad are in Cid's Cantina. Hunter and the rest of the squad are in Cid's office getting a job. You decide to help serve a few drinks since you're back for a little while. You know practically every drink that people order by heart, but you've been wanting to experiment with a project you started a while ago. You learned from a few customers about the ingredients needed to make healing potions, so when the customers leave, you experiment with making some. After you make a few drinks, the squad comes out of the office. 
"We're going." Hunter states.
Your eyes light up because you've been waiting for a mission, especially after you've had to wait since you got shot last time. "Where to?" 
"Not you. This one involves a lot of combat." Hunter tells you. 
"I can help, Hunter. I've been making healing potions." You try to convince him, showing him your work.
Echo looks at you and back to Hunter and says, "Hunter, she might not have the years of training we've had, but neither has Omega, and she's been doing well."
"I'm older than all of you." Omega reminds him.
Echo looks down to her and whispers, "Kid... you aren't helping..." 
Hunter sighs and looks you in the eye. "I don't want your blood on my hands, especially since you got hurt last time." 
"I believe you are overexaggerating, Hunter. I believe this mission will go smoothly and won't require much combat unless we engage." Tech states. 
"Fine. Come on." Hunter gestures for you to come to the ship.

You walk around the ship and inspect everything as you enter hyperspace. You find Echo in his room, cleaning his weapons. 
"Hey." He says.
You sit down next to him and ask, "What does he have against me? You said he was the most trusting of Omega, so why can't he trust me?"
Echo sighs. "I think he feels that you want to be in place of Crosshair. He's probably just... thinking about Crosshair leaving." 
"That's not who I want to be. I just want to help, and I want to be with you." You tell him. 
"I know. Don't let him get to you. I promise it's not personal. I felt the same way when I joined the squad. I had this fear that nobody wanted me here. I guess I didn't feel worthy enough." Echo explains to you. 
Suddenly, Wrecker walks in. "Hey, lovebirds."
Echo blushes slightly. "What is it? Also, remember what we discussed about knocking?" 
"Oh... Were you two...?" He asks.
"No! We were just talking!" Echo says.
"Alright, alright..." Wrecker says, leaving.
"So, where's our job?" You ask Echo.
"In some forest with dianoga creatures. They're guarding treasure, according to Cid." Echo tells you.
"Will our blasters even work on the creatures?" You ask, getting concerned.
"Hopefully..." Echo says.

Tech lands the ship in a forest on Vodran. It has tall trees and strange plants you've never seen before. Before you exit the ship, Echo stops you.
"Hey, you've got this." He says.
You nod and he follows you out the door.
Everyone looks around as Tech maps towards the area where the treasure is located. 
"So where is this- AHH!" Wrecker says, screaming as one of the dianoga appears behind him in the water. 
"Is that a dianoga?" You ask. 
"Yes! That's why I was worried for you to come with us!" Hunter yells.
"This is just like the one I saw when we searched for the medical bay!" Wrecker screams.
Everyone uses their blasters to try and kill the creature, but it's no use.
You get an idea. "Wait! It looks like the dianoga only survives in water! We need to take it out so it won't be able to breathe!" 
"Good idea. Come on, everyone!" Tech says, gesturing for everyone to help him carry the creature out of the swamp water. 
The dianoga is incredibly heavy and it has tentacles that keep trying to strangle all of you. Once you take it out of the water, it doesn't perish as quickly as you expected. It grabs Echo by the neck and he starts choking. 
"Echo! Oh, kriff..." You groan.
His hands desperately try to get the dianoga off of him but it's no use. 
You look over at Tech and tell him, "Tech! Hand me one of your droid poppers!" 
"They're for droids!" Tech shouts.
"I know! Just trust me!" You say. 
Even though the droid poppers aren't usually used for creatures like these, you know how it works. It will incapacitate it by shocking it. You throw one in its mouth and it makes a loud screech, falling into the water. 
You grab Echo before he falls and hug him.
He coughs, then says, "Thank you... I thought I might have been done for." 
"Of course." You reply.
"I am impressed." Tech tells you.
"Yeah, that was some quick thinking on your feet. Nice job." Hunter adds.
You smile, glad that you did a good job.
"Let's go find the treasure!" Omega says.

"Where's this treasure at anyway?" Echo asks Tech.
"It shows that it's in the swamp that the dianoga was in." Tech states. 
"Who's going to swim?" Wrecker laughs.
"We don't know what other creatures are in there." You say. 
"I wonder if there is some sort of mechanism that might drain the water in the swamp. After all, dianoga can be found in sewers and underground tunnels, so it is possible that it came from underneath the swamp." Tech thinks out loud.
"Y/N, Omega and I can search near the east part of the swamp." Echo says.
"We can search the other side." Wrecker says.
As you, Echo, and Omega search on your side of the swamp, Echo holds your hand.
"It's nice having you on missions." He says, smiling.
"It's nice to be able to help out." You respond.
After a little while of looking around, Omega shouts, "I found something!"
You and Echo walk over to Omega and see that she's found a mechanism that should drain the water. It's some set of parts and gears that will turn with a lot of force.
Echo turns on his comm-link and says to the rest of the squad, "Come to the east side. Omega found something to drain the water."
"On our way." Tech says.

Once Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker walk over to you three, you ask Wrecker to spin the machine. You, Echo, and Omega tried to move it, but you three weren't strong enough. The mechanism looks old, so Wrecker struggles to get it unstuck at first. You watch as the water begins to drain, revealing a strong metal trapdoor below it.  
"So... cool!" Omega says, grinning.
The water was fairly deep, so Hunter, Echo, Wrecker, and Tech use their grappling hooks to lower themselves down. You and Omega wait at the top. Hunter helps Omega down and Echo gently helps you climb down. Hunter opens the trapdoor and everyone walks down the steep stairs below it. Once you get to the bottom, you see a chest that looks like it has been here for at least one hundred years. It's decorative paint has worn off. All of you watch as Tech opens it. Inside are a few necklaces, each with a different color gem. They're hand crafted and are very delicate. Tech gently puts them in his belt pouch. 
"Nice job, everyone." Echo says.
"I'm hungry!" Wreckers complains.
"Here. I brought some rations." You say, handing him one.
He smiles. "This is why it's nice to have other people around!" 
Once you get back to the ship, everyone takes turns taking showers since you've been around that nasty dianoga. After your shower, you get dressed and put on some casual clothes. Once you're dressed, Echo walks in and sits down next to you on the bed.
"I told you it wasn't personal." Echo says, smiling slightly.
"I know, I know... I just felt like he didn't like me." You say.
"Well, even if you don't believe it, I believe you're worthy of being part of this squad." He says, kissing your forehead.

Echo x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now